Source code for coiled.v2.cluster

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import contextlib
import datetime
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import time
import traceback as tb
import uuid
import warnings
import weakref
from asyncio import wait_for
from contextlib import suppress
from copy import deepcopy
from inspect import isawaitable
from itertools import chain, islice
from types import TracebackType
from typing import (

import dask.config
import dask.distributed
import dask.utils
from distributed.core import Status
from distributed.deploy.adaptive import Adaptive
from distributed.deploy.cluster import Cluster as DistributedCluster
from distributed.objects import SchedulerInfo
from rich import print as rich_print
from import Live
from rich.panel import Panel
from rich.progress import BarColumn, Progress, TextColumn
from tornado.ioloop import PeriodicCallback
from typing_extensions import Literal, TypeAlias
from urllib3.util import parse_url

from coiled.capture_environment import scan_and_create
from coiled.cluster import CoiledAdaptive, CredentialsPreferred
from coiled.compatibility import DISTRIBUTED_VERSION, register_plugin
from coiled.context import track_context
from coiled.core import IsAsynchronous
from import get_aws_local_session_token
from import get_gcp_local_session_token, send_application_default_credentials
from coiled.errors import ClusterCreationError, DoesNotExist
from coiled.exceptions import ArgumentCombinationError, InstanceTypeError, ParseIdentifierError, PermissionsError
from coiled.plugins import DaskSchedulerWriteFiles, DaskWorkerWriteFiles
from coiled.types import ArchitectureTypesEnum, AWSOptions, GCPOptions, PackageLevelEnum
from coiled.utils import (

from ..core import Async, AWSSessionCredentials, Sync
from .core import (
from .cwi_log_link import cloudwatch_url
from .states import (
from .widgets import EXECUTION_CONTEXT, ClusterWidget
from import CONSOLE_WIDTH, RichClusterWidget
from .widgets.util import use_rich_widget

logger = logging.getLogger(COILED_LOGGER_NAME)

_T = TypeVar("_T")

NO_CLIENT_DEFAULT = object()  # don't use `None` as the default so that `None` can be specified by user


    "critical-only": PackageLevelEnum.CRITICAL,
    "warning-or-higher": PackageLevelEnum.WARN,
    "any": PackageLevelEnum.NONE,


ClusterSyncAsync: TypeAlias = Union["Cluster[Async]", "Cluster[Sync]"]

_vm_type_cpu_memory_error_msg = (
    "Argument '{kind}_vm_types' can't be used together with '{kind}_cpu' or '{kind}_memory'. "
    "Please use either '{kind}_vm_types' or '{kind}_cpu'/'{kind}_memory' separately."

class ClusterKwargs(TypedDict, total=False):
    name: str | None
    software: str | None
    container: str | None
    n_workers: Union[int, List[int]] | None
    worker_class: str | None
    worker_options: dict | None
    worker_vm_types: list | None
    worker_cpu: Union[int, List[int]] | None
    worker_memory: Union[str, List[str]] | None
    worker_disk_size: Union[int, str] | None
    worker_disk_throughput: int | None
    worker_gpu: Union[int, bool] | None
    worker_gpu_type: str | None
    scheduler_options: dict | None
    scheduler_vm_types: list | None
    scheduler_cpu: Union[int, List[int]] | None
    scheduler_memory: Union[str, List[str]] | None
    scheduler_disk_size: int | None
    scheduler_gpu: bool | None
    asynchronous: bool
    cloud: CloudV2 | None
    account: str | None
    workspace: str | None
    shutdown_on_close: bool | None
    idle_timeout: str | None
    no_client_timeout: str | None | object
    use_scheduler_public_ip: bool | None
    use_dashboard_https: bool | None
    dashboard_custom_subdomain: str | None
    credentials: str | None
    credentials_duration_seconds: int | None
    timeout: Union[int, float] | None
    environ: Dict[str, str] | None
    tags: Dict[str, str] | None
    send_dask_config: bool
    unset_single_threading_variables: bool | None
    backend_options: Union[AWSOptions, GCPOptions] | None
    show_widget: bool | None
    custom_widget: ClusterWidget | None
    configure_logging: bool | None
    wait_for_workers: Union[int, float, bool] | None
    package_sync: Union[bool, List[str]] | None
    package_sync_strict: bool
    package_sync_ignore: List[str] | None
    package_sync_only: List[str] | None
    package_sync_conda_extras: List[str] | None
    package_sync_fail_on: Literal["critical-only", "warning-or-higher", "any"]
    package_sync_use_uv_installer: bool
    private_to_creator: bool | None
    use_best_zone: bool
    allow_cross_zone: bool
    compute_purchase_option: Literal["on-demand", "spot", "spot_with_fallback"] | None
    spot_policy: Literal["on-demand", "spot", "spot_with_fallback"] | None
    extra_worker_on_scheduler: bool | None
    _n_worker_specs_per_host: int | None
    scheduler_port: int | None
    allow_ingress_from: str | None
    allow_ssh_from: str | None
    allow_ssh: bool | None
    allow_spark: bool | None
    open_extra_ports: List[int] | None
    jupyter: bool | None
    mount_bucket: Union[str, List[str]] | None
    host_setup_script: str | None
    region: str | None
    arm: bool | None

class Cluster(DistributedCluster, Generic[IsAsynchronous]):
    """Create a Dask cluster with Coiled

        Number of workers in this cluster.
        Can either be an integer for a static number of workers,
        or a list specifying the lower and upper bounds for adaptively
        scaling up/down workers depending on the amount of work submitted.
        Defaults to ``n_workers=[4, 20]`` which adaptively scales between
        4 and 20 workers.
        Name to use for identifying this cluster. Defaults to ``None``.
        Name of the software environment to use; this allows you to use and re-use existing
        Coiled software environments. Specifying this argument will disable package sync, and it
        cannot be combined with ``container``.
        Name or URI of container image to use; when using a pre-made container image with Coiled,
        this allows you to skip the step of explicitly creating a Coiled software environment
        from that image. Specifying this argument will disable package sync, and it
        cannot be combined with ``software``.
        Worker class to use. Defaults to :class:`distributed.nanny.Nanny`.
        Mapping with keyword arguments to pass to ``worker_class``. Defaults
        to ``{}``.
        List of instance types that you would like workers to use, default instance type
        selected contains 4 cores. You can use the command ``coiled.list_instance_types()``
        to see a list of allowed types.
        Number, or range, of CPUs requested for each worker. Specify a range by
        using a list of two elements, for example: ``worker_cpu=[2, 8]``.
        Amount of memory to request for each worker, Coiled will use a +/- 10% buffer
        from the memory that you specify. You may specify a range of memory by using a
        list of two elements, for example: ``worker_memory=["2GiB", "4GiB"]``.
        Non-default size of persistent disk attached to each worker instance, specified as string with units
        or integer for GiB.
        EXPERIMENTAL. For AWS, non-default throughput (in MB/s) for EBS gp3 volumes attached
        to workers.
        Number of GPUs to attach to each worker. Default is 0, ``True`` is interpreted as 1.
        Note that this is ignored if you're explicitly specifying an instance type which
        includes a fixed number of GPUs.
        For GCP, this lets you specify type of guest GPU for instances.
        Should match the way the cloud provider specifies the GPU, for example:
        By default, Coiled will request NVIDIA T4 if GPU type isn't specified.
        For AWS, if you want GPU other than T4, you'll need to explicitly specify the VM
        instance type (e.g., ``g6.xlarge`` for instance with one NVIDIA L4 GPU).
        Mapping with keyword arguments to pass to the Scheduler ``__init__``. Defaults
        to ``{}``.
        List of instance types that you would like the scheduler to use, default instances
        type selected contains 4 cores. You can use the command
        ``coiled.list_instance_types()`` to se a list of allowed types.
        Number, or range, of CPUs requested for the scheduler. Specify a range by
        using a list of two elements, for example: ``scheduler_cpu=[2, 8]``.
        Amount of memory to request for the scheduler, Coiled will use a +/-10%
        buffer from the memory what you specify. You may specify a range of memory by using a
        list of two elements, for example: ``scheduler_memory=["2GiB", "4GiB"]``.
        Whether to attach GPU to scheduler; this would be a single NVIDIA T4.
        The best practice for Dask is to have a GPU on the scheduler if you are using GPUs on your
        workers, so if you don't explicitly specify, Coiled will follow this best practice and give
        you a scheduler GPU just in case you have ``worker_gpu`` set.
        Set to True if using this Cloud within ``async``/``await`` functions or
        within Tornado ``gen.coroutines``. Otherwise this should remain
        ``False`` for normal use. Default is ``False``.
        Cloud object to use for interacting with Coiled. This object contains user/authentication/account
        information. If this is None (default), we look for a recently-cached Cloud object, and if none
        exists create one.
        **DEPRECATED**. Use ``workspace`` instead.
        The Coiled workspace (previously "account") to use. If not specified,
        will check the ``coiled.workspace`` or ``coiled.account`` configuration values,
        or will use your default workspace if those aren't set.
        Whether or not to shut down the cluster when it finishes.
        Defaults to True, unless name points to an existing cluster.
        Shut down the cluster after this duration if no activity has occurred. E.g. "30 minutes"
        Default: "20 minutes"
        Shut down the cluster after this duration after all clients have disconnected.
        When ``shutdown_on_close`` is ``False`` this is disabled,
        since ``shutdown_on_close=False`` usually means you want to keep cluster up
        after disconnecting so you can later connect a new client.
        Default: "2 minutes", or ``idle_timeout`` if there's a non-default idle timeout
        Boolean value that determines if the Python client connects to the
        Dask scheduler using the scheduler machine's public IP address. The
        default behaviour when set to True is to connect to the scheduler
        using its public IP address, which means traffic will be routed over
        the public internet. When set to False, traffic will be routed over
        the local network the scheduler lives in, so make sure the scheduler
        private IP address is routable from where this function call is made
        when setting this to False.
        When public IP address is used for dashboard, we'll enable HTTPS + auth by default.
        You may want to disable this if using something that needs to connect directly to
        the scheduler dashboard without authentication, such as jupyter dask-labextension<=6.1.0.
        Which credentials to use for Dask operations and forward to Dask
        clusters -- options are "local", or None. The default
        behavior is to use local credentials if available.
        NOTE: credential handling currently only works with AWS credentials.
        For "local" credentials shipped to cluster as STS token, set the duration of STS token.
        If not specified, the AWS default will be used.
        Timeout in seconds to wait for a cluster to start, will use
        ``default_cluster_timeout`` set on parent Cloud by default.
        Dictionary of environment variables. Values will be transmitted to Coiled; for private environment variables
        (e.g., passwords or access keys you use for data access), :meth:`send_private_envs` is recommended.
        Whether to send a frozen copy of local ``dask.config`` to the cluster.
        By default, Dask sets environment variables such as ``OMP_NUM_THREADS`` and ``MKL_NUM_THREADS`` so that
        relevant libraries use a single thread per Dask worker (by default there are as many Dask workers as
        CPU cores). In some cases this is not what you want, so this option overrides the default Dask behavior.
        Dictionary of backend specific options.
        Whether to use the rich-based widget display.
        By default, the widget will show in IPython/Jupyter; specify ``show_widget=True`` to make widget show
        even when not in IPython/Jupyter (for example, when making cluster in code invoked via CLI).
        For use cases involving multiple Clusters at once, ``show_widget=False`` is recommended.
        Use the rich-based widget display outside of IPython/Jupyter
        (Default: False)
        Dictionary of tags. Can also be set using the ``coiled.tags``
        Dask configuration option. Tags specified for cluster using keyword argument
        take precedence over those from Dask configuration.
        Whether to wait for a number of workers before returning control
        of the prompt back to the user. Usually, computations will run better
        if you wait for most workers before submitting tasks to the cluster.
        You can wait for all workers by passing ``True``, or not wait for any
        by passing ``False``. You can pass a fraction of the total number of
        workers requested as a float(like 0.6), or a fixed number of workers
        as an int (like 13). If None, the value from ``coiled.wait-for-workers``
        in your Dask config will be used. Default: 0.3. If the requested number
        of workers don't launch within 10 minutes, the cluster will be shut
        down, then a TimeoutError is raised.
        DEPRECATED -- Always enabled when ``container`` and ``software`` are not given.
        Synchronize package versions between your local environment and the cluster.
        Cannot be used with the ``container`` or ``software`` options.
        Passing specific packages as a list of strings will attempt to synchronize only those packages,
        use with caution. (Deprecated: use ``package_sync_only`` instead.)
        We recommend reading the
        `additional documentation for this feature <>`_
        A list of conda package names (available on conda-forge) to include in the environment that
        are not in your local environment. Use with caution, as this can lead to dependency
        conflicts with local packages. Note, this will only work for conda package with
        platform-specific builds (i.e., not "noarch" packages).
        A list of package names to exclude from the environment. Note their dependencies may still be installed,
        or they may be installed by another package that depends on them!
        A list of package names to only include from the environment. Use with caution.
        We recommend reading the
        `additional documentation for this feature <>`_
        Only allow exact packages matches, not recommended unless your client platform/architecture
        matches the cluster platform/architecture
        Use ``uv`` to install pip packages when building the software environment. This should only be
        disabled if you are experiencing issues with ``uv`` and need to use ``pip`` instead.
        (Default: True)
        Only allow the cluster creator, not other members of team account, to connect to this cluster.
        Allow the cloud provider to pick the zone (in your specified region) that has best availability
        for your requested instances. We'll keep the scheduler and workers all in a single zone in
        order to avoid any cross-zone network traffic (which would be billed).
        Allow the cluster to have VMs in distinct zones. There's a cost for cross-zone traffic
        (usually pennies per GB), so this is a bad choice for shuffle-heavy workloads, but can be a good
        choice for large embarrassingly parallel workloads.
        Purchase option to use for workers in your cluster, options are "on-demand", "spot", and
        "spot_with_fallback"; by default this is "on-demand".
        (Google Cloud refers to this as "provisioning model" for your instances.)
        **Spot instances** are much cheaper, but can have more limited availability and may be terminated
        while you're still using them if the cloud provider needs more capacity for other customers.
        **On-demand instances** have the best availability and are almost never
        terminated while still in use, but they're significantly more expensive than spot instances.
        For most workloads, "spot_with_fallback" is likely to be a good choice: Coiled will try to get as
        many spot instances as we can, and if we get less than you requested, we'll try to get the remaining
        instances as on-demand.
        For AWS, when we're notified that an active spot instance is going to be terminated,
        we'll attempt to get a replacement instance (spot if available, but could be on-demand if you've
        enabled "fallback"). Dask on the active instance will attempt a graceful shutdown before the
        instance is terminated so that computed results won't be lost.
        Specify a port other than the default (443) for communication with Dask scheduler.
        Usually the default is the right choice; Coiled supports using 443 concurrently for scheduler comms
        and for scheduler dashboard.
        Control the CIDR from which cluster firewall allows ingress to scheduler; by default this is open
        to any source address ( You can specify CIDR, or "me" for just your IP address.
        Allow connections to scheduler over port 22 (used for SSH) for a specified IP address or CIDR.
        Allow connections to scheduler over port 22, used for SSH.
        Allow (secured) connections to scheduler on port 15003 used by Spark Connect. By default, this port is open.
        Start a Jupyter server in the same process as Dask scheduler. The Jupyter server will be behind HTTPS
        with authentication (unless you disable ``use_dashboard_https``, which we strongly recommend against).
        Note that ``jupyterlab`` will need to be installed in the software environment used on the cluster
        (or in your local environment if using package sync).
        Once the cluster is running, you can use ``jupyter_link`` to get link to access the Jupyter server.
        Optional name or list of names of buckets to mount. For example, ``"s3://my-s3-bucket"`` will mount the S3
        bucket ``my-s3-bucket``, using your forwarded AWS credentials, and ``"gs://my-gcs-bucket"`` will mount
        the GCS bucket ``my-gcs-bucket`` using your forwarded Google Application Default Credentials.
        Buckets are mounted to subdirectories in both ``/mount`` and ``./mount`` (relative to working directory
        for Dask), subdirectory name will be taken from bucket name.
        Script to run on the host VM during the setup process.
        You can either specify as text of the script to run, or as path to a local script file to copy and run.
        The cloud provider region in which to run the cluster.
        Use ARM instances for cluster; default is x86 (Intel) instances.

    _instances = weakref.WeakSet()

    def __init__(
        self: ClusterSyncAsync,
        name: str | None = None,
        software: str | None = None,
        container: str | None = None,
        n_workers: Union[int, List[int]] | None = None,
        worker_class: str | None = None,
        worker_options: dict | None = None,
        worker_vm_types: list | None = None,
        worker_cpu: Union[int, List[int]] | None = None,
        worker_memory: Union[str, List[str]] | None = None,
        worker_disk_size: Union[int, str] | None = None,
        worker_disk_throughput: int | None = None,
        worker_gpu: Union[int, bool] | None = None,
        worker_gpu_type: str | None = None,
        scheduler_options: dict | None = None,
        scheduler_vm_types: list | None = None,
        scheduler_cpu: Union[int, List[int]] | None = None,
        scheduler_memory: Union[str, List[str]] | None = None,
        scheduler_disk_size: int | None = None,
        scheduler_gpu: bool | None = None,
        asynchronous: bool = False,
        cloud: CloudV2 | None = None,
        account: str | None = None,
        workspace: str | None = None,
        shutdown_on_close: bool | None = None,
        idle_timeout: str | None = None,
        no_client_timeout: str | None | object = NO_CLIENT_DEFAULT,
        use_scheduler_public_ip: bool | None = None,
        use_dashboard_https: bool | None = None,
        dashboard_custom_subdomain: str | None = None,
        credentials: str | None = "local",
        credentials_duration_seconds: int | None = None,
        timeout: Union[int, float] | None = None,
        environ: Dict[str, str] | None = None,
        tags: Dict[str, str] | None = None,
        send_dask_config: bool = True,
        unset_single_threading_variables: bool | None = None,
        backend_options: Union[AWSOptions, GCPOptions] | None = None,  # intentionally not in the docstring yet
        show_widget: bool | None = None,
        custom_widget: ClusterWidget | None = None,
        configure_logging: bool | None = None,
        wait_for_workers: Union[int, float, bool] | None = None,
        package_sync: Union[bool, List[str]] | None = None,
        package_sync_strict: bool = False,
        package_sync_conda_extras: List[str] | None = None,
        package_sync_ignore: List[str] | None = None,
        package_sync_only: List[str] | None = None,
        package_sync_fail_on: Literal["critical-only", "warning-or-higher", "any"] = "critical-only",
        package_sync_use_uv_installer: bool = True,
        private_to_creator: bool | None = None,
        use_best_zone: bool = True,
        allow_cross_zone: bool = False,
        # "compute_purchase_option" is the old name for "spot_policy"
        # someday we should deprecate and then remove compute_purchase_option
        compute_purchase_option: Literal["on-demand", "spot", "spot_with_fallback"] | None = None,
        spot_policy: Literal["on-demand", "spot", "spot_with_fallback"] | None = None,
        extra_worker_on_scheduler: bool | None = None,
        _n_worker_specs_per_host: int | None = None,
        # easier network config
        scheduler_port: int | None = None,
        allow_ingress_from: str | None = None,
        allow_ssh_from: str | None = None,
        allow_ssh: bool | None = None,
        allow_spark: bool | None = None,
        open_extra_ports: List[int] | None = None,
        jupyter: bool | None = None,
        mount_bucket: Union[str, List[str]] | None = None,
        host_setup_script: str | None = None,
        region: str | None = None,
        arm: bool | None = None,
        batch_job_ids: List[int] | None = None,
        batch_job_container: str | None = None,
        self._cluster_event_queue = []

        # default range for adaptive (defining these here so pyright doesn't complain about ref before assignment)
        adaptive_min = DEFAULT_ADAPTIVE_MIN
        adaptive_max = DEFAULT_ADAPTIVE_MAX
        self._original_n_workers = n_workers
        if n_workers is None:
            # use adaptive if user didn't specify number of workers
            self.start_adaptive = True
        elif isinstance(n_workers, (list, tuple)):
            # user specified [min, max] range which will be used for adaptive
            self.start_adaptive = True
            adaptive_min, adaptive_max = n_workers
            self.start_adaptive = False

        # Use the adaptive min as the initial number of workers to start, rather than starting cluster, then waiting
        # for adaptive to scale up to this min.
        if self.start_adaptive:
            n_workers = adaptive_min

        # by this point n_workers will always be an int, but pyright isn't good at understanding this
        n_workers = cast(int, n_workers)

        # When there's an extra worker on scheduler, we'll request one fewer "worker" VM (non-scheduler VM)
        # because the scheduler VM will also be running a worker process.
        # Effectively this means that `n_workers` will be interpreted as number of VMs running a worker process.
        # Note that adaptive also interprets the min/max in this way, the extra worker is counted when determining
        # how much to scale up/down in order to get to adaptive target.
        if extra_worker_on_scheduler:
            n_workers -= 1 if n_workers else 0

        self.unset_single_threading_variables = bool(unset_single_threading_variables)

        # NOTE:
        # this attribute is only updated while we wait for cluster to come up
        self.errored_worker_count: int = 0
        self.init_time =

        senv_kwargs = {"package_sync": package_sync, "software": software, "container": container}
        set_senv_kwargs = [name for name, value in senv_kwargs.items() if value]
        if len(set_senv_kwargs) > 1:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Multiple software environment parameters are set: {', '.join(set_senv_kwargs)}. "
                "You must use only one of these."
        self._software_environment_name = ""
        self._package_sync_use_uv_installer = package_sync_use_uv_installer
        if package_sync is not None:
                "`package_sync` is a deprecated kwarg for `Cluster` and will be removed in a future release. "
                "To only sync certain packages, use `package_sync_only`, and to disable package sync, pass the "
                "`container` or `software` kwargs instead.",

        self.package_sync = bool(package_sync)
        self.package_sync_ignore = package_sync_ignore
        self.package_sync_conda_extras = package_sync_conda_extras
        # We set this config option in `coiled hello` to reduce package sync build errors
        if not package_sync_only and dask.config.get("coiled._internal.package_sync_only", False):
            package_sync_only = dask.config.get("coiled._internal.package_sync_only")
        self.package_sync_only = set(package_sync_only) if package_sync_only else None
        if isinstance(package_sync, list):
            if self.package_sync_only:
                self.package_sync_only = set(package_sync)
        if self.package_sync_only is not None:
            # ensure critical packages are always included so cluster can start

        self.package_sync_strict = package_sync_strict
        self.package_sync_fail_on = BEHAVIOR_TO_LEVEL[package_sync_fail_on]
        self.show_widget = True if show_widget is None else show_widget
        self._force_rich_widget = True if show_widget else False
        self.custom_widget = custom_widget

        if arm is None and (batch_job_container or container) and not (scheduler_vm_types or worker_vm_types):
            # The user didn't explicitly ask for ARM or non-ARM, so if they provided a container,
            # see if we can match the required arch of that container.
            # We're using public Docker Hub endpoint, so this only works currently for public images there.
            image = batch_job_container or container or ""
            if is_arm_only_image(image):
                arm = True

        self.arch = ArchitectureTypesEnum.ARM64 if arm else ArchitectureTypesEnum.X86_64

        self._cluster_status_logs = []

        if region is not None:
            if backend_options is None:
                backend_options = {}
            # backend_options supports both `region` and `region_name` (for backwards compatibility
            # since we changed it at some point).
            # If either of those is specified along with kwarg `region=`, raise an exception.
            if "region_name" in backend_options:
                raise ValueError(
                    "You passed `region` as a kwarg to Cluster(...), and included region_name"
                    " in the backend_options dict. Only one of those should be specified."
            if "region" in backend_options:
                raise ValueError(
                    "You passed `region` as a kwarg to Cluster(...), and included region"
                    " in the backend_options dict. Only one of those should be specified."
            backend_options["region_name"] = region

        if configure_logging:

        if configure_logging is None:
            # setup logging only if we're not using the widget
            if not (custom_widget or use_rich_widget()):

        # Determine consistent sync/async
        if cloud and asynchronous is not None and cloud.asynchronous != asynchronous:
                f"Requested a Cluster with asynchronous={asynchronous}, but "
                f"cloud.asynchronous={cloud.asynchronous}, so the cluster will be"

            asynchronous = cloud.asynchronous

        self.scheduler_comm: dask.distributed.rpc | None = None

        # It's annoying that the user must pass in `asynchronous=True` to get an async Cluster object
        # But I can't think of a good alternative right now. CloudV2SyncAsync = cloud or CloudV2.current(asynchronous=asynchronous)

        # we really need to call this first before any of the below code errors
        # out; otherwise because of the fact that this object inherits from
        # deploy.Cloud __del__ (and perhaps __repr__) will have AttributeErrors
        # because the gc will run and attributes like `.status` and
        # `.scheduler_comm` will not have been assigned to the object's instance
        # yet

        self.timeout = timeout if timeout is not None else

        # Set cluster attributes from kwargs (first choice) or dask config

        self.private_to_creator = (
            dask.config.get("coiled.private-to-creator") if private_to_creator is None else private_to_creator

        self.extra_worker_on_scheduler = extra_worker_on_scheduler
        self._worker_on_scheduler_name = None
        self.n_worker_specs_per_host = _n_worker_specs_per_host
        self.batch_job_ids = batch_job_ids
        self.extra_user_container = batch_job_container

        self.software_environment = software or dask.config.get("")
        self.software_container = container
        if not container and not self.software_environment and not package_sync:
            self.package_sync = True

        self.worker_class = worker_class or dask.config.get("coiled.worker.class")
        self.worker_cpu = worker_cpu or cast(Union[int, List[int]], dask.config.get("coiled.worker.cpu"))

        if isinstance(worker_cpu, int) and worker_cpu <= 1:
            if not arm:
                raise ValueError("`worker_cpu` should be at least 2 for x86 instance types.")
            elif worker_cpu < 1:
                raise ValueError("`worker_cpu` should be at least 1 for arm instance types.")

        self.worker_memory = worker_memory or dask.config.get("coiled.worker.memory")
        # FIXME get these from dask config
        self.worker_vm_types = worker_vm_types
        self.worker_disk_size = parse_bytes_as_gib(worker_disk_size)

        self.worker_disk_throughput = worker_disk_throughput
        self.worker_gpu_count = int(worker_gpu) if worker_gpu is not None else None
        self.worker_gpu_type = worker_gpu_type
        self.worker_options = {
            **(cast(dict, dask.config.get("coiled.worker-options", {}))),
            **(worker_options or {}),

        self.scheduler_vm_types = scheduler_vm_types
        self.scheduler_cpu = scheduler_cpu or cast(Union[int, List[int]], dask.config.get("coiled.scheduler.cpu"))
        self.scheduler_memory = scheduler_memory or cast(
            Union[int, List[int]], dask.config.get("coiled.scheduler.memory")
        self.scheduler_disk_size = parse_bytes_as_gib(scheduler_disk_size)
        self.scheduler_options = {
            **(cast(dict, dask.config.get("coiled.scheduler-options", {}))),
            **(scheduler_options or {}),

        # use dask config if kwarg not specified for scheduler gpu
        scheduler_gpu = scheduler_gpu if scheduler_gpu is not None else dask.config.get("coiled.scheduler.gpu")

        self._is_gpu_cluster = (
            # explicitly specified GPU (needed for GCP guest GPU)
            bool(worker_gpu or worker_gpu_type or scheduler_gpu)
            # or GPU bundled with explicitly specified instance type
            or any_gpu_instance_type(worker_vm_types)
            or any_gpu_instance_type(scheduler_vm_types)

        if scheduler_gpu is None:
            # when not specified by user (via kwarg or config), default to GPU on scheduler if workers have GPU
            scheduler_gpu = True if self._is_gpu_cluster else False
            scheduler_gpu = bool(scheduler_gpu)
        self.scheduler_gpu = scheduler_gpu

        self.use_best_zone = use_best_zone
        self.allow_cross_zone = allow_cross_zone

        self.spot_policy = spot_policy
        if compute_purchase_option:
            if spot_policy:
                raise ValueError(
                    "You specified both compute_purchase_option and spot_policy, "
                    "which serve the same purpose. Please specify only spot_policy."
                self.spot_policy = compute_purchase_option

        if workspace and account and workspace != account:
            raise ValueError(
                f"You specified both workspace='{workspace}' and account='{account}'. "
                "The `account` kwarg is being deprecated, use `workspace` instead."
        if account and not workspace:
                "The `account` kwarg is deprecated, use `workspace` instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2
            ) = name or cast(Optional[str], dask.config.get(""))
        self.workspace = workspace or account
        self._start_n_workers = n_workers
        self._lock = None
        self._asynchronous = asynchronous
        self._is_coiled_hosted = False
        self.shutdown_on_close = shutdown_on_close

        self.environ = normalize_environ(environ)
        aws_default_region = self._get_aws_default_region()
        if aws_default_region:
            self.environ["AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"] = aws_default_region

        # Cluster-specific kwarg tags take precedence over globally set config tags
        kwarg_tags = {k: str(v) for (k, v) in (tags or {}).items() if v}
        self.tags = {**dask.config.get("coiled.tags", {}), **kwarg_tags}
        self.frozen_dask_config = deepcopy(dask.config.config) if send_dask_config else {}
        self.credentials = CredentialsPreferred(credentials)
        self._credentials_duration_seconds = credentials_duration_seconds
        self._default_protocol = dask.config.get("coiled.protocol", "tls")
        self._wait_for_workers_arg = wait_for_workers
        self._last_logged_state_summary = None
        self._try_local_gcp_creds = True
        self._using_aws_creds_endpoint = False

        if send_dask_config:
            if self.unset_single_threading_variables:
                dask.config.update(self.frozen_dask_config, DASK_PRESPAWN_THREAD_VARS_UNSET)

            except TypeError as e:
                    f"Local dask config file is not JSON serializable because {e}, "
                    f"so we cannot forward dask config to cluster."
                self.frozen_dask_config = None

            dask_log_config = dask.config.get("logging", {})
            if dask_log_config:
                # logging can be set in different ways in dask config, for example,
                # logging:
                #   distributed.worker: debug
                #   version: 1
                #   loggers:
                #     distributed.scheduler:
                #       level: DEBUG
                v0_debug_loggers = [
                    k for k, v in dask_log_config.items() if isinstance(v, str) and v.lower() == "debug"
                v1_debug_loggers = [
                    for k, v in dask_log_config.get("loggers", {}).items()
                    if isinstance(v, dict) and v.get("level") == "DEBUG"
                debug_loggers = [*v0_debug_loggers, *v1_debug_loggers]

                if debug_loggers:
                    if len(debug_loggers) > 1:
                        what_loggers = f"Dask loggers {debug_loggers} are"
                        what_loggers = f"Dask logger {debug_loggers[0]!r} is"
                        f"{what_loggers} configured to show DEBUG logs on your cluster.\n"
                        f"Debug logs can be very verbose, and there may be unexpected costs from your cloud provider "
                        f"for ingesting very large logs."

        # these are sets of names of workers, only including workers in states that might eventually reach
        # a "started" state
        # they're used in our implementation of scale up/down (mostly inherited from coiled.Cluster)
        # and their corresponding properties are used in adaptive scaling (at least once we
        # make adaptive work with Cluster).
        # (Adaptive expects attributes `requested` and `plan`, which we implement as properties below.)
        # Some good places to learn about adaptive:
        self._requested: Set[str] = set()
        self._plan: Set[str] = set()

        self.cluster_id: int | None = None
        self.use_scheduler_public_ip: bool = (
            dask.config.get("coiled.use_scheduler_public_ip", True)
            if use_scheduler_public_ip is None
            else use_scheduler_public_ip
        self.use_dashboard_https: bool = (
            dask.config.get("coiled.use_dashboard_https", True) if use_dashboard_https is None else use_dashboard_https
        self.dashboard_custom_subdomain = dashboard_custom_subdomain

        self.backend_options = backend_options

        scheduler_port = scheduler_port or dask.config.get("coiled.scheduler_port", None)

        custom_network_kwargs = {
            "allow_ingress_from": allow_ingress_from,
            "allow_ssh_from": allow_ssh_from,
            "allow_ssh": allow_ssh,
            "allow_spark": allow_spark,
            "scheduler_port": scheduler_port,
            "open_extra_ports": open_extra_ports,
        used_network_kwargs = [name for name, val in custom_network_kwargs.items() if val is not None]
        if used_network_kwargs:
            if backend_options is not None and "ingress" in backend_options:
                friendly_list = " or ".join(f"`{kwarg}`" for kwarg in used_network_kwargs)
                raise ArgumentCombinationError(
                    f"You cannot use {friendly_list} when `ingress` is also specified in `backend_options`."

            firewall_kwargs = {
                "target": allow_ingress_from or "everyone",
                "ssh": False if allow_ssh is None else allow_ssh,
                "ssh_target": allow_ssh_from,
                "spark": True if self.use_dashboard_https and allow_spark is None else bool(allow_spark),
                "extra_ports": open_extra_ports,

            if scheduler_port is not None:
                firewall_kwargs["scheduler"] = scheduler_port
                self.scheduler_options["port"] = scheduler_port

            self.backend_options = self.backend_options or {}
            self.backend_options["ingress"] = cluster_firewall(**firewall_kwargs)["ingress"]  # type: ignore

        if jupyter:
            self.scheduler_options["jupyter"] = True

        if host_setup_script and os.path.exists(host_setup_script):
            with open(host_setup_script) as f:
                self.host_setup_script_content =
            self.host_setup_script_content = host_setup_script

        idle_timeout = idle_timeout or dask.config.get("distributed.scheduler.idle-timeout", None)
        if idle_timeout:
            dask.utils.parse_timedelta(idle_timeout)  # fail fast if dask can't parse this timedelta
            self.scheduler_options["idle_timeout"] = idle_timeout

        self.no_client_timeout = (
            no_client_timeout if no_client_timeout != NO_CLIENT_DEFAULT else (idle_timeout or "2 minutes")

        if not self.asynchronous:
            # If we don't close the cluster, the user's ipython session gets spammed with
            # messages from distributed.
            # Note that this doesn't solve all such spammy dead clusters (which is probably still
            # a problem), just spam created by clusters who failed initial creation.
            error = None
                if self._is_coiled_hosted:
                    coiled_hosted_message = (
                        "[bold]Note[/]: You're currently using [bold][blue]Coiled-hosted[/blue][/bold], "
                        "a sandbox for running computations on our cloud infrastructure.\n"
                        "When you're ready to use Coiled in your own cloud provider account "
                        "(AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud), "
                        "you can run [green]coiled setup[/green] or visit "
                        self.custom_widget.console.print(f"\n{coiled_hosted_message}\n")  # type: ignore
                    except AttributeError:
            except (ClusterCreationError, InstanceTypeError, PermissionsError) as e:
                error = e
                self.close(reason=f"Failed to start cluster due to an exception: {tb.format_exc()}")
                if self.cluster_id:
                    log_cluster_debug_info(self.cluster_id, self.workspace)
                raise e.with_traceback(None)  # noqa: B904
            except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
                error = e
                if self.cluster_id is not None and self.shutdown_on_close in (
                    logger.warning(f"Received KeyboardInterrupt, deleting cluster {self.cluster_id}")
                        reason="User keyboard interrupt",
            except Exception as e:
                error = e
                self.close(reason=f"Failed to start cluster due to an exception: {tb.format_exc()}")
                raise e.with_traceback(truncate_traceback(e.__traceback__))  # noqa: B904
                if error:
            if not error:
                if self.start_adaptive:
                    self.adapt(minimum=adaptive_min, maximum=adaptive_max)
                if mount_bucket:

    def account(self):
        return self.workspace

    def details_url(self):
        """URL for cluster on the web UI at"""
        return get_details_url(, self.workspace, self.cluster_id)

    def _grafana_url(self) -> str | None:
        """for internal Coiled use"""
        if not self.cluster_id:
            return None

        details =, workspace=self.workspace)
        return get_grafana_url(details, account=self.workspace, cluster_id=self.cluster_id)

    def _ipython_display_(self: ClusterSyncAsync):
        widget = None
        from IPython.display import display

        if use_rich_widget():
            widget = RichClusterWidget(, workspace=self.workspace)

        if widget and self.cluster_id:
            # TODO: These synchronous calls may be too slow. They can be done concurrently
            cluster_details =
                cluster_id=self.cluster_id, workspace=self.workspace
            if cluster_details.get("coiled_hosted"):
                self._is_coiled_hosted = True
            self.sync(self._update_cluster_status_logs, asynchronous=False)
            widget.update(cluster_details, self._cluster_status_logs)

    def _repr_mimebundle_(self: ClusterSyncAsync, include: Iterable[str], exclude: Iterable[str], **kwargs):
        # In IPython 7.x This is called in an ipython terminal instead of
        # _ipython_display_ :
        # In 8.x _ipython_display has been re-enabled in the terminal to
        # allow for rich outputs:
        # So this function *should* only be calle  when in an ipython context using
        # IPython 7.x.
        cloud =
        if use_rich_widget() and self.cluster_id:
            rich_widget = RichClusterWidget(, workspace=self.workspace)
            cluster_details = cloud._get_cluster_details_synced(cluster_id=self.cluster_id, workspace=self.workspace)
            if cluster_details.get("coiled_hosted"):
                self._is_coiled_hosted = True
            self.sync(self._update_cluster_status_logs, asynchronous=False)
            rich_widget.update(cluster_details, self._cluster_status_logs)
            return rich_widget._repr_mimebundle_(include, exclude, **kwargs)
            return {"text/plain": repr(self)}

    async def _get_cluster_vm_types_to_use(self):
        cloud =
        if (self.worker_cpu or self.worker_memory) and not self.worker_vm_types:
            # match worker types by cpu and/or memory
            worker_vm_types_to_use = get_instance_type_from_cpu_memory(
                backend=await self._get_account_cloud_provider_name(),
        elif (self.worker_cpu or self.worker_memory) and self.worker_vm_types:
            raise ArgumentCombinationError(_vm_type_cpu_memory_error_msg.format(kind="worker"))
            # get default types from dask config
            if self.worker_vm_types is None:
                self.worker_vm_types = dask.config.get("coiled.worker.vm-types")
            # accept string or list of strings
            if isinstance(self.worker_vm_types, str):
                self.worker_vm_types = [self.worker_vm_types]
            worker_vm_types_to_use = self.worker_vm_types

        if (self.scheduler_cpu or self.scheduler_memory) and not self.scheduler_vm_types:
            # match scheduler types by cpu and/or memory
            scheduler_vm_types_to_use = get_instance_type_from_cpu_memory(
                gpus=1 if self.scheduler_gpu else 0,
                backend=await self._get_account_cloud_provider_name(),
        elif (self.scheduler_cpu or self.scheduler_memory) and self.scheduler_vm_types:
            raise ArgumentCombinationError(_vm_type_cpu_memory_error_msg.format(kind="scheduler"))
            # get default types from dask config
            if self.scheduler_vm_types is None:
                self.scheduler_vm_types = dask.config.get("coiled.scheduler.vm_types")
            # accept string or list of strings
            if isinstance(self.scheduler_vm_types, str):
                self.scheduler_vm_types = [self.scheduler_vm_types]
            scheduler_vm_types_to_use = self.scheduler_vm_types

        # If we still don't have instance types, use the defaults
        if not scheduler_vm_types_to_use or not worker_vm_types_to_use:
            provider = await self._get_account_cloud_provider_name()

            if not self.scheduler_gpu and not self.worker_gpu_count:
                # When no GPUs, use same default for scheduler and workers
                default_vm_types = await cloud._get_default_instance_types(
                scheduler_vm_types_to_use = scheduler_vm_types_to_use or default_vm_types
                worker_vm_types_to_use = worker_vm_types_to_use or default_vm_types
                # GPUs so there might be different defaults for scheduler/workers
                if not scheduler_vm_types_to_use:
                    scheduler_vm_types_to_use = get_instance_type_from_cpu_memory(
                        gpus=1 if self.scheduler_gpu else 0,
                        backend=await self._get_account_cloud_provider_name(),
                if not worker_vm_types_to_use:
                    worker_vm_types_to_use = get_instance_type_from_cpu_memory(
        return scheduler_vm_types_to_use, worker_vm_types_to_use

    def workspace_cloud_provider_name(self: ClusterSyncAsync):
        return self.sync(self._get_account_cloud_provider_name)

    async def _get_account_cloud_provider_name(self) -> str:
        if not hasattr(self, "_cached_account_cloud_provider_name"):
            self._cached_account_cloud_provider_name = await

        return self._cached_account_cloud_provider_name

    async def _check_create_or_reuse(self):
        cloud =
                self.cluster_id = await cloud._get_cluster_by_name(
            except DoesNotExist:
                should_create = True
      "Using existing cluster: '{} (id: {self.cluster_id})'")
                should_create = False
            should_create = True
   = or (self.workspace or cloud.default_workspace) + "-" + short_random_string()
        return should_create

    async def _wait_for_custom_certificate(
        subdomain: str,
        started_at: datetime.datetime | None,
        workspace: str | None = None,
        # wait at most 2 minutes for cert to be ready
        started_at = started_at or
        timeout_at = started_at + datetime.timedelta(minutes=2)

        progress = Progress(
        if self.show_widget and (self._force_rich_widget or use_rich_widget()):
            live = Live(Panel(progress, title="[green]Custom Dashboard Certificate", width=CONSOLE_WIDTH))
            live = contextlib.nullcontext()

        with live:
            initial_seconds_remaining = (timeout_at -
            task = progress.add_task("Requesting certificate", total=initial_seconds_remaining)

            while True:
                seconds_remaining = (timeout_at -
                progress.update(task, completed=initial_seconds_remaining - seconds_remaining)
                cert_status = await, workspace=workspace)

                if cert_status in ("ready", "continue"):
                    # "continue" is not currently used, but could be used if control-plane is changed
                    # so that it's not necessary to block while requesting certificate
                    progress.update(task, completed=initial_seconds_remaining)
                    return True

                if cert_status in ("in use", "error"):
                    raise ClusterCreationError(
                        f"Unable to provision the custom subdomain {subdomain!r}, status={cert_status}"

                for _ in range(6):
                    seconds_remaining = (timeout_at -
                    if seconds_remaining <= 0:
                        raise ClusterCreationError(f"Timed out waiting for custom subdomain {subdomain!r}")
                    progress.update(task, completed=initial_seconds_remaining - seconds_remaining)
                    await asyncio.sleep(0.5)

    async def _package_sync_scan_and_create(
        architecture: ArchitectureTypesEnum = ArchitectureTypesEnum.X86_64,
        gpu_enabled: bool = False,
    ) -> Tuple[int | None, str | None]:
        senv_name = None
        # For package sync, this is where we scrape local environment, determine
        # what to install on cluster, and build/upload wheels as needed.
        if self.package_sync:
            async with self._time_cluster_event("package sync", "scan and create") as package_sync_event:
                await self._get_account_cloud_provider_name()
                package_sync_env_alias = await scan_and_create(
                    region_name=self.backend_options.get("region_name") if self.backend_options else None,
                package_sync_env = package_sync_env_alias["id"]
                senv_name = package_sync_env_alias["name"]
                package_sync_event["senv_id"] = package_sync_env
                package_sync_event["senv_name"] = senv_name

                logger.debug(f"Environment capture complete, {package_sync_env}")
            package_sync_env = None

        return package_sync_env, senv_name

    async def _attach_to_cluster(self, is_new_cluster: bool):
        assert self.cluster_id

        # this is what waits for the cluster to be "ready"
        await self._wait_until_ready(is_new_cluster)

        results = await asyncio.gather(*[
        ]), security_info = results[1]

        self._proxy = bool(
        self._dashboard_address = security_info["dashboard_address"]
        rpc_address = security_info["address_to_use"]

            self.scheduler_comm = dask.distributed.rpc(
            await self._send_credentials()
            if self.unset_single_threading_variables:
                await self._unset_env_vars(list(unset_single_thread_defaults().keys()))
            if self.shutdown_on_close and self.no_client_timeout:
                await self._set_keepalive(self.no_client_timeout)
        except OSError as e:
            if "Timed out" in str(e):
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Unable to connect to Dask cluster. This may be due "
                    "to different versions of `dask` and `distributed` "
                    "locally and remotely.\n\n"
                    f"You are using distributed={DISTRIBUTED_VERSION} locally.\n\n"
                    "With pip, you can upgrade to the latest with:\n\n"
                    "\tpip install --upgrade dask distributed"
                ) from None

    async def _start(self):
        did_error = False
        cluster_created = False

            cloud =
            self.workspace = self.workspace or

            # check_create_or_reuse has the side effect of creating a name
            # if none is assigned
            should_try_create = await self._check_create_or_reuse()
   = or (self.workspace or cloud.default_workspace) + "-" + short_random_string()

            if not should_try_create and self.batch_job_ids:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"Unable to add batch jobs to existing cluster {!r}, "
                    f"please specify a cluster name that doesn't match currently running clusters."

            # Set shutdown_on_close here instead of in __init__ to make sure
            # the dask config default isn't used when we are reusing a cluster
            if self.shutdown_on_close is None:
                self.shutdown_on_close = should_try_create and dask.config.get("coiled.shutdown-on-close")

            if should_try_create:
                ) = await self._get_cluster_vm_types_to_use()

                user_provider = await self._get_account_cloud_provider_name()

                # Update backend options for cluster based on the friendlier kwargs
                if self.scheduler_gpu:
                    if user_provider == "gcp":
                        self.backend_options = {
                            **(self.backend_options or {}),
                if self.use_best_zone:
                    self.backend_options = {
                        **(self.backend_options or {}),
                        "multizone": True,
                if self.allow_cross_zone:
                    self.backend_options = {
                        **(self.backend_options or {}),
                        "multizone": True,
                        "multizone_allow_cross_zone": True,
                if self.spot_policy:
                    purchase_configs = {
                        "on-demand": {"spot": False},
                        "spot": {
                            "spot": True,
                            "spot_on_demand_fallback": False,
                        "spot_with_fallback": {
                            "spot": True,
                            "spot_on_demand_fallback": True,

                    if self.spot_policy not in purchase_configs:
                        valid_options = ", ".join(purchase_configs.keys())
                        raise ValueError(
                            f"{self.spot_policy} is not a valid spot_policy; valid options are: {valid_options}"

                    self.backend_options = {
                        **(self.backend_options or {}),

                # Elsewhere (in _wait_until_ready) we actually decide how many workers to wait for,
                # in a way that's unified/correct for both the "should_create" case and the case
                # where a cluster already exists.
                # However, we should check here to make sure _wait_for_workers_arg is valid to
                # avoid creating the cluster if it's not valid.
                # (We can't do this check earlier because we don't know until now if we're
                # creating a cluster, and if we're not then "_start_n_workers" may be the wrong
                # number of workers...)
                parse_wait_for_workers(self._start_n_workers, self._wait_for_workers_arg)

                # Determine software environment (legacy or package sync)
                architecture = (
                    if (
                            user_provider == "aws"
                            and all(
                      "^\w+\d.*g.*", vm_type.split(".")[0], flags=re.IGNORECASE)
                                for vm_type in chain(scheduler_vm_types_to_use, worker_vm_types_to_use)
                        or (
                            user_provider == "gcp"
                            and all(
                                vm_type.split("-")[0].lower() in ("t2a", "c4a")
                                for vm_type in chain(scheduler_vm_types_to_use, worker_vm_types_to_use)
                    else ArchitectureTypesEnum.X86_64

                # `architecture` is set to ARM64 iff *all* instances are ARM,
                # so when architecture is X86_64 that could mean all instances are x86
                # or it could mean that there's a mix (which we want to reject).
                if architecture == ArchitectureTypesEnum.ARM64:
                    self.arch = ArchitectureTypesEnum.ARM64

                # This check ensures that if the user asked for ARM cluster (using the `arm` kwarg),
                # then they didn't also explicitly specify x86 instance type.
                # (It also catches if our code to pick ARM instances types returns an x86 instance type.)
                if architecture != self.arch:
                    # TODO (future PR) more specific error about which instance type doesn't match
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        f"Requested cluster architecture ({self.arch.vm_arch}) does not match "
                        f"architecture of some instance types ({scheduler_vm_types_to_use}, {worker_vm_types_to_use})."

                if self.arch.vm_arch != dask.config.get("coiled.software_requires_vm_arch", self.arch.vm_arch):
                    # specified senv with specified arch comes from `coiled run`
                    # we don't want to re-use senv if it was for a different arch than cluster we're now starting
                    self.package_sync = True
                    self.software_environment = ""

                reusing_existing_package_sync_env = self.software_environment == dask.config.get(
                    "", None
                ) and (dask.config.get("") or "").startswith("package-sync-")
                gpu_discrepancy = self._is_gpu_cluster != dask.config.get(
                    "coiled.software_is_gpu_cluster", self._is_gpu_cluster
                if reusing_existing_package_sync_env and gpu_discrepancy:
                    # We reuse software environments from `coiled run` and `coiled batch run` when possible.
                    # We want to avoid reusing package sync envs when there's a GPU / CPU mismatch.
                    # We go in this `if`-block when:
                    #     1. No manual software environment was specified by the user (i.e. `software=`)
                    #     2. This cluster is being created from within an existing package sync env
                    #     3. There's a GPU/no-GPU mismatch between the existing package sync env and the
                    #        package sync environment being created here.
                    self.package_sync = True
                    self.software_environment = ""

                # create an ad hoc software environment if container was specified
                if self.software_container:
                    # make a valid software env name unique for this container
                    image_and_tag = self.software_container.split("/")[-1]
                    uri_uuid = str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, self.software_container))
                    container_senv_name = re.sub(
                        r"[^A-Za-z0-9-_]", "_", f"{image_and_tag}-{self.arch}-{uri_uuid}"

                    await cloud._create_software_environment(
                        region_name=self.backend_options.get("region_name") if self.backend_options else None,
                    self.software_environment = container_senv_name

                # Validate software environment name, setting `can_have_revision` to False since
                # we don't seem to be using this yet.
                if not self.package_sync:
                    except ParseIdentifierError as e:
                        # one likely reason for invalid name format is if this looks like an image URL
                        # match on <foo>.<bar>/<name> to see if this looks vaguely like a URL
                        if"\..*/", self.software_environment):
                            message = (
                                f"If you meant to specify a container image, you should use "
                                f"`container={self.software_container!r}` instead of `software=...`"
                                f"to specify the image."
                            raise ParseIdentifierError(message) from None

                custom_subdomain_t0 = None
                if self.dashboard_custom_subdomain:
                    # start process to provision custom certificate before we start package sync scan/create
                    custom_subdomain_t0 =
                    await cloud._create_custom_certificate(
                        workspace=self.workspace, subdomain=self.dashboard_custom_subdomain

                package_sync_senv_id, package_sync_senv_name = await self._package_sync_scan_and_create(
                    architecture=architecture, gpu_enabled=self._is_gpu_cluster
                self._software_environment_name = package_sync_senv_name or self.software_environment

                if self.dashboard_custom_subdomain:
                    await self._wait_for_custom_certificate(

                self.cluster_id, cluster_existed = await cloud._create_cluster(
                cluster_created = not cluster_existed

            if not self.cluster_id:
                raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to find/create cluster {}")

            if cluster_created:
                if self.start_adaptive and self._original_n_workers is None:
                        "Using adaptive scaling with default range of "
                        f"`[{DEFAULT_ADAPTIVE_MIN}, {DEFAULT_ADAPTIVE_MAX}]`. "
                        "To manually control the size of your cluster, use n_workers=.\n"
                    f"Creating Cluster (name: {}, {self.details_url} ). This usually takes 1-2 minutes..."
      "Attaching to existing cluster (name: {}, {self.details_url} )")

            # while cluster is "running", check state according to Coiled every 1s
            self._state_check_failed = 0
            self.periodic_callbacks["check_coiled_state"] = PeriodicCallback(
                dask.utils.parse_timedelta(dask.config.get("coiled.cluster-state-check-interval")) * 1000,  # type: ignore

            # slightly hacky way to make cluster creation not block if this is a batch job cluster
            if self.batch_job_ids:
                cluster_details = await cloud._get_cluster_details(cluster_id=self.cluster_id, workspace=self.workspace)
                if cluster_details.get("coiled_hosted"):
                    self._is_coiled_hosted = True
                await self._attach_to_cluster(is_new_cluster=cluster_created)
                await super()._start()

        except Exception as e:
            if self._asynchronous:
                did_error = True
            if self._asynchronous and not did_error:

    def _as_json_compatible(self):
        # the typecasting here is to avoid accidentally
        # submitting something passed in that is not json serializable
        # (user error may cause this)
        return {
            "name": str(,
            "software_environment": str(self.software_environment),
            "show_widget": bool(self.show_widget),
            "async": bool(self._asynchronous),
            "worker_class": str(self.worker_class),
            "worker_cpu": str(self.worker_cpu),
            "worker_memory": str(self.worker_memory),
            "worker_vm_types": str(self.worker_vm_types),
            "worker_gpu_count": str(self.worker_gpu_count),
            "worker_gpu_type": str(self.worker_gpu_type),
            "scheduler_memory": str(self.scheduler_memory),
            "scheduler_vm_types": str(self.scheduler_vm_types),
            "n_workers": int(self._start_n_workers),
            "shutdown_on_close": bool(self.shutdown_on_close),
            "use_scheduler_public_ip": bool(self.use_scheduler_public_ip),
            "use_dashboard_https": bool(self.use_dashboard_https),
            "package_sync": bool(self.package_sync),
            "package_sync_fail_on": bool(self.package_sync_fail_on),
            "package_sync_ignore": str(self.package_sync_ignore) if self.package_sync_ignore else False,
            "execution_context": EXECUTION_CONTEXT,
            "account": self.workspace,
            "timeout": self.timeout,
            "wait_for_workers": self._wait_for_workers_arg,
            "cluster_id": self.cluster_id,
            "backend_options": self.backend_options,
            "scheduler_gpu": self.scheduler_gpu,
            "use_best_zone": self.use_best_zone,
            "spot_policy": self.spot_policy,
            "start_adaptive": self.start_adaptive,
            "errored_worker_count": self.errored_worker_count,
            # NOTE: this is not a measure of the CLUSTER life time
            # just a measure of how long this object has been around
            "cluster_object_life": str( - self.init_time),

    def _maybe_log_summary(self, cluster_details):
        now = time.time()
        if self._last_logged_state_summary is None or now > self._last_logged_state_summary + 5:
            self._last_logged_state_summary = now

    async def _wait_until_ready(self, is_new_cluster: bool) -> None:
        cloud =
        cluster_id = self._assert_cluster_id()
        await self._flush_cluster_events()
        timeout_at = (
   + datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.timeout)
            if self.timeout is not None
            else None
        self._latest_dt_seen = None

        if self.custom_widget:
            widget = self.custom_widget
            ctx = contextlib.nullcontext()
        elif self.show_widget and (self._force_rich_widget or use_rich_widget()):
            widget = RichClusterWidget(
            ctx = widget
            widget = None
            ctx = contextlib.nullcontext()

        num_workers_to_wait_for = None
        with ctx:
            while True:
                cluster_details = await cloud._get_cluster_details(cluster_id=cluster_id, workspace=self.workspace)

                if cluster_details.get("coiled_hosted"):
                    self._is_coiled_hosted = True

                # Computing num_workers_to_wait_for inside the while loop is kinda goofy, but I don't want to add an
                # extra _get_cluster_details call right now since that endpoint can be very slow for big clusters.
                # Let's optimize it, and then move this code up outside the loop.
                if num_workers_to_wait_for is None:
                    cluster_desired_workers = cluster_details["desired_workers"]
                    num_workers_to_wait_for = parse_wait_for_workers(
                        cluster_desired_workers, self._wait_for_workers_arg
                    if not is_new_cluster:
                        if self.start_adaptive:
                            # When re-attaching to existing cluster without specifying n_workers,
                            # we don't want to start adaptive (which we'd do otherwise when n_workers isn't specified)
                            # and we also don't want to show message that we're ignoring n_workers (since in this case
                            # it was set as default because n_workers was unspecified).
                            self.start_adaptive = False
                        elif self._start_n_workers != cluster_desired_workers:
                                f"Ignoring your request for {self._start_n_workers} workers since you are "
                                f"connecting to a cluster that had been requested with {cluster_desired_workers} "

                await self._update_cluster_status_logs()

                if widget:

                cluster_state = ClusterStateEnum(cluster_details["current_state"]["state"])
                reason = cluster_details["current_state"]["reason"]

                scheduler_current_state = cluster_details["scheduler"]["current_state"]
                scheduler_state = ProcessStateEnum(scheduler_current_state["state"])
                if cluster_details["scheduler"].get("instance"):
                    scheduler_instance_state = InstanceStateEnum(
                    scheduler_instance_state = InstanceStateEnum.queued
                worker_current_states = [w["current_state"] for w in cluster_details["workers"]]
                ready_worker_current = [
                    for current in worker_current_states
                    if ProcessStateEnum(current["state"]) == ProcessStateEnum.started
                self.errored_worker_count = sum([
                    for current in worker_current_states
                    if ProcessStateEnum(current["state"]) == ProcessStateEnum.error
                starting_workers = sum([
                    for current in worker_current_states
                    if ProcessStateEnum(current["state"])
                    in [

                if scheduler_state == ProcessStateEnum.started and scheduler_instance_state in [
                    scheduler_ready = True
                    scheduler_reason_not_ready = ""
                    scheduler_ready = False
                    scheduler_reason_not_ready = "Scheduler not ready."

                n_workers_ready = len(ready_worker_current)

                final_update = None
                if n_workers_ready >= num_workers_to_wait_for:
                    if n_workers_ready == self._start_n_workers:
                        final_update = "All workers ready."
                        final_update = "Most of your workers have arrived. Cluster ready for use."

                    enough_workers_ready = True
                    workers_reason_not_ready = ""
                    enough_workers_ready = False
                    workers_reason_not_ready = (
                        f"Only {len(ready_worker_current)} workers ready "
                        f"(was waiting for at least {num_workers_to_wait_for}). "

                # Check if cluster is ready to return to user in a good state
                if scheduler_ready and enough_workers_ready:
                    assert final_update is not None
                    if widget:
                    reason_not_ready = scheduler_reason_not_ready if not scheduler_ready else workers_reason_not_ready
                    if cluster_state in (
                        # this cluster will never become ready; raise an exception
                        error = f"Cluster status is {cluster_state.value} (reason: {reason})"
                        if widget:
                        raise ClusterCreationError(
                    elif cluster_state == ClusterStateEnum.ready:
                        # (cluster state "ready" means all worked either started or errored, so
                        # this cluster will never have all the workers we want)
                        if widget:
                        raise ClusterCreationError(
                    elif (starting_workers + n_workers_ready) < num_workers_to_wait_for:
                        # including workers that are starting, cluster cannot get to the number
                        # of desired ready workers (because some workers have already errored),

                        message = (
                            f"Cluster was waiting for {num_workers_to_wait_for} workers but "
                            f"{self.errored_worker_count} (of {self._start_n_workers}) workers have already failed. "
                            "You could try requesting fewer workers or adjust `wait_for_workers` if fewer workers "
                            "would be acceptable."
                        errors = group_worker_errors(cluster_details)
                        if errors:
                            header = "Failure Reasons\n---------------"
                            message = f"{message}\n\n{header}"
                            # show error that affected the most workers first
                            for error in sorted(errors, key=lambda k: -errors[k]):
                                n_affected = errors[error]
                                plural = "" if n_affected == 1 else "s"
                                error_message = f"{error}\n\t(error affected {n_affected} worker{plural})"
                                message = f"{message}\n\n{error_message}"

                        raise ClusterCreationError(
                    elif timeout_at is not None and > timeout_at:
                        error = "User-specified timeout expired: " + reason_not_ready
                        if widget:
                        raise ClusterCreationError(

                        await asyncio.sleep(1.0)

    async def _update_cluster_status_logs(self):
        cluster_id = self._assert_cluster_id()
        states_by_type = await
            cluster_id, self.workspace, start_time=self._latest_dt_seen
        states = flatten_log_states(states_by_type)
        if states:
            if not self.custom_widget and (not self.show_widget or EXECUTION_CONTEXT == "terminal"):
            self._latest_dt_seen = states[-1].updated

    def _assert_cluster_id(self) -> int:
        if self.cluster_id is None:
            raise RuntimeError("'cluster_id' is not set, perhaps the cluster hasn't been created yet")
        return self.cluster_id

    def cwi_logs_url(self):
        if self.cluster_id is None:
            raise ValueError("cluster_id is None. Cannot get CloudWatch link without a cluster")

        # kinda hacky, probably something as important as region ought to be an attribute on the
        # cluster itself already and not require an API call
        cluster_details =, workspace=self.workspace)
        if cluster_details["backend_type"] != "vm_aws":
            raise ValueError("Sorry, the cwi_logs_url only works for AWS clusters.")
        region = cluster_details["cluster_options"]["region_name"]

        return cloudwatch_url(self.workspace,, region)

    def details(self):
        if self.cluster_id is None:
            raise ValueError("cluster_id is None. Cannot get details without a cluster")
        return, workspace=self.workspace)

    async def _set_plan_requested(self):
        eventually_maybe_good_statuses = [
        assert self.workspace
        assert self.cluster_id
        eventually_maybe_good_workers = await

        # scale (including adaptive) relies on `plan` and `requested` and these (on Coiled)
        # are set based on the control-plane's view of what workers there are, so if we have
        # extra worker on the scheduler (which isn't tracked separately by control-plane)
        # we need to include that here.
        if self.extra_worker_on_scheduler:
            # get the actual name of worker on scheduler if we haven't gotten it yet
            if not self._worker_on_scheduler_name:
                worker_on_scheduler = [worker for worker in self.observed if "scheduler" in worker]
                if worker_on_scheduler:
                    self._worker_on_scheduler_name = worker_on_scheduler[0]
            # if we have actual name, use it, otherwise use fake name for now
            if self._worker_on_scheduler_name:

        self._plan = eventually_maybe_good_workers
        self._requested = eventually_maybe_good_workers

    async def _scale(self, n: int, force_stop: bool = True) -> None:
        if not self.cluster_id:
            raise ValueError("No cluster available to scale!")

        await self._submit_cluster_event(
            f"scale to {n} workers requested",
                "force_stop": force_stop,
                "n_workers": n,

        # Adaptive directly calls `scale_up` and `scale_down`, so if `scale(n)` is called, it means this came from user;
        # when user explicitly specified cluster size, it makes sense to turn off adaptive scaling.
        if getattr(self, "_adaptive", None) is not None:
            assert self._adaptive  # for pyright
            if self._adaptive.periodic_callback:
                    f"Turning off adaptive scaling because `scale(n={n})` was explicitly called.\n"
                    f"To resume adaptive scaling, you can use the `adapt(minimum=..., maximum=...)` method."
                await self._submit_cluster_event("adaptive", "disabled", level=logging.INFO)

        await self._set_plan_requested()  # need to update our understanding of current workers before scaling
        logger.debug(f"current _plan: {self._plan}")

        recommendations = await self.recommendations(n)
        logger.debug(f"scale recommendations: {recommendations}")

        return await self._apply_scaling_recommendations(recommendations, force_stop=force_stop)

[docs] @track_context async def scale_up(self, n: int, reason: str | None = None) -> None: """ Scales up *to* a target number of ``n`` workers It's documented that scale_up should scale up to a certain target, not scale up BY a certain amount: """ if not self.cluster_id: raise ValueError("No cluster available to scale! Check cluster was not closed by another process.") n_to_add = n - len(self.plan) await self._submit_cluster_event( "scaling", f"scale up to {n} workers requested", extra_data={ "target": n, "n_to_add": n_to_add, "reason": reason, }, ) response = await workspace=self.workspace, cluster_id=self.cluster_id, n=n_to_add, reason=reason, ) if response: self._plan.update(set(response.get("workers", []))) self._requested.update(set(response.get("workers", [])))
@track_context async def _close(self, force_shutdown: bool = False, reason: str | None = None) -> None: # My small changes to _close probably make sense for legacy Cluster too, but I don't want to carefully # test them, so copying this method over. await self._flush_cluster_events() with suppress(AttributeError): self._adaptive.stop() # type: ignore # Stop here because otherwise we get intermittent `OSError: Timed out` when # deleting cluster takes a while and callback tries to poll cluster status. for pc in self.periodic_callbacks.values(): pc.stop() if hasattr(self, "cluster_id") and self.cluster_id: # If the initial create call failed, we don't have a cluster ID. # But the rest of this method (at least calling distributed.deploy.Cluster.close) # is important. if force_shutdown or self.shutdown_on_close in (True, None): await workspace=self.workspace, cluster_id=self.cluster_id, reason=reason, ) await super()._close() @property def requested(self): return self._requested @property def plan(self): return self._plan @overload def sync( self: Cluster[Sync], func: Callable[..., Awaitable[_T]], *args, asynchronous: Union[Sync, Literal[None]] = None, callback_timeout=None, **kwargs, ) -> _T: ... @overload def sync( self: Cluster[Async], func: Callable[..., Awaitable[_T]], *args, asynchronous: Union[bool, Literal[None]] = None, callback_timeout=None, **kwargs, ) -> Coroutine[Any, Any, _T]: ...
[docs] def sync( self, func: Callable[..., Awaitable[_T]], *args, asynchronous: bool | None = None, callback_timeout=None, **kwargs, ) -> Union[_T, Coroutine[Any, Any, _T]]: return cast( Union[_T, Coroutine[Any, Any, _T]], super().sync( func, *args, asynchronous=asynchronous, callback_timeout=callback_timeout, **kwargs, ), )
def _ensure_scheduler_comm(self) -> dask.distributed.rpc: """ Guard to make sure that the scheduler comm exists before trying to use it. """ if not self.scheduler_comm: raise RuntimeError("Scheduler comm is not set, have you been disconnected from Coiled?") return self.scheduler_comm @track_context async def _wait_for_workers( self, n_workers, timeout=None, err_msg=None, ) -> None: # `distributed.Client.wait_for_workers` uses `wait_for_workers` method on cluster if there is one # so this is the code that gets used def running_workers(info): return len([ws for ws in info["workers"].values() if ws["status"] ==]) if timeout is None: deadline = None else: timeout = dask.utils.parse_timedelta(timeout, "s") deadline = time.time() + timeout if timeout else None scheduler_comm = self._ensure_scheduler_comm() self.scheduler_info = cast(SchedulerInfo, await scheduler_comm.identity()) while n_workers and running_workers(self.scheduler_info) < n_workers: if deadline and time.time() > deadline: err_msg = err_msg or f"Timed out after {timeout} seconds waiting for {n_workers} workers to arrive" raise TimeoutError(err_msg) await asyncio.sleep(1) self.scheduler_info = cast(SchedulerInfo, await scheduler_comm.identity()) @staticmethod def _get_aws_default_region() -> str | None: try: from boto3.session import Session region_name = Session().region_name return str(region_name) if region_name else None except Exception: pass return None async def _get_aws_local_session_token( self, duration_seconds: int | None = None, ) -> AWSSessionCredentials: loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() return await loop.run_in_executor(None, get_aws_local_session_token, duration_seconds) def _has_gcp_auth_installed(self) -> bool: try: import google.auth # type: ignore # noqa F401 from google.auth.transport.requests import Request # type: ignore # noqa F401 return True except ImportError: self._try_local_gcp_creds = False return False
[docs] def set_keepalive(self: ClusterSyncAsync, keepalive): """ Set how long to keep cluster running if all the clients have disconnected. This is a way to shut down no-longer-used cluster, in additional to dask idle timeout. With no keepalive set, cluster will not shut down on account of clients going away. Arguments: keepalive: duration string like "30s" or "5m" """ return self.sync(self._set_keepalive, keepalive)
async def _set_keepalive(self, keepalive, retries=5): try: scheduler_comm = self._ensure_scheduler_comm() await scheduler_comm.coiled_set_keepalive(keepalive=keepalive) except Exception as e: if self.status not in TERMINATING_STATES: # using the scheduler comm sometimes fails on a poor internet connection # so try a few times before giving up and showing warning if retries > 0: await self._set_keepalive(keepalive=keepalive, retries=retries - 1) else: # no more retries! # warn, but don't crash logger.warning(f"error setting keepalive on cluster: {e}") def _call_scheduler_comm(self: ClusterSyncAsync, function: str, **kwargs): return self.sync(self._call_scheduler_comm_async, function, **kwargs) async def _call_scheduler_comm_async(self, function: str, retries=5, **kwargs): try: scheduler_comm = self._ensure_scheduler_comm() await getattr(scheduler_comm, function)(**kwargs) except Exception as e: if self.status not in TERMINATING_STATES: # sending credentials sometimes fails on a poor internet connection # so try a few times before giving up and showing warning if retries > 0: await self._call_scheduler_comm_async(function=function, retries=retries - 1, **kwargs) else: # no more retries! # warn, but don't crash logger.warning(f"error calling {function} on scheduler comm: {e}")
[docs] def send_private_envs(self: ClusterSyncAsync, env: dict): """ Send potentially private environment variables to be set on scheduler and all workers. You can use this to send secrets (passwords, auth tokens) that you can use in code running on cluster. Unlike environment variables set with ``coiled.Cluster(environ=...)``, the values will be transmitted directly to your cluster without being transmitted to Coiled, logged, or written to disk. The Dask scheduler will ensure that these environment variables are set on any new workers you add to the cluster. """ return self.sync(self._send_env_vars, env)
async def _send_env_vars(self, env: dict, retries=5): try: scheduler_comm = self._ensure_scheduler_comm() await scheduler_comm.coiled_update_env_vars(env=env) except Exception as e: if self.status not in TERMINATING_STATES: # sending credentials sometimes fails on a poor internet connection # so try a few times before giving up and showing warning if retries > 0: await self._send_env_vars(env, retries=retries - 1) else: # no more retries! # warn, but don't crash logger.warning(f"error sending environment variables to cluster: {e}") def unset_env_vars(self: ClusterSyncAsync, unset: Iterable[str]): return self.sync(self._unset_env_vars, list(unset)) async def _unset_env_vars(self, unset: Iterable[str], retries=5): try: scheduler_comm = self._ensure_scheduler_comm() await scheduler_comm.coiled_unset_env_vars(unset=list(unset)) except Exception as e: if self.status not in TERMINATING_STATES: # sending credentials sometimes fails on a poor internet connection # so try a few times before giving up and showing warning if retries > 0: await self._unset_env_vars(unset, retries=retries - 1) else: # no more retries! # warn, but don't crash logger.warning(f"error unsetting environment variables on cluster: {e}")
[docs] def send_credentials(self: ClusterSyncAsync, automatic_refresh: bool = False): """ Manually trigger sending STS token to cluster. Usually STS token is automatically sent and refreshed by default, this allows you to manually force a refresh in case that's needed for any reason. """ return self.sync(self._send_credentials, schedule_callback=automatic_refresh)
def _schedule_cred_update(self, expiration: datetime.datetime | None, label: str, extra_warning: str = ""): # schedule callback for updating creds before they expire # default to updating every 45 minutes delay = 45 * 60 if expiration: diff = expiration - delay = int((diff * 0.5).total_seconds()) if diff < datetime.timedelta(minutes=5): # usually the existing STS token will be from a role assumption and # will expire in ~1 hour, but just in case the local session has a very # short lived token, let the user know # TODO give user information about what to do in this case logger.warning(f"Locally generated {label} expires in less than 5 minutes ({diff}).{extra_warning}") # don't try to update sooner than in 1 minute delay = max(60, delay) elif self._credentials_duration_seconds and self._credentials_duration_seconds < 900: # 15 minutes is min duration for STS token, but if shorter duration explicitly # requested, then we'll update as if that were the duration (with lower bound of 5s). delay = max(5, int(self._credentials_duration_seconds * 0.5)) self._queue_cluster_event("credentials", f"refresh scheduled in {delay} seconds for {label}") if self.loop: # should never be None but distributed baseclass claims it can be self.loop.call_later(delay=delay, callback=self._send_credentials) logger.debug(f"{label} from local credentials shipped to cluster, planning to refresh in {delay} seconds") async def _send_aws_credentials(self, schedule_callback: bool): # AWS STS token token_creds = await self._get_aws_local_session_token(duration_seconds=self._credentials_duration_seconds) if not token_creds: await self._submit_cluster_event( "credential", "not forwarding AWS credentials, could not retrieve local credentials", level=logging.INFO ) elif not token_creds.get("SessionToken"): await self._submit_cluster_event( "credentials", "not forwarding AWS credentials, no local session token", level=logging.INFO ) if token_creds and token_creds.get("SessionToken"): scheduler_comm = self._ensure_scheduler_comm() keys = [ "AccessKeyId", "SecretAccessKey", "SessionToken", "DefaultRegion", ] # creds endpoint will be used iff expiration is sent to plugin # so this is a way to (for now) feature flag using creds endpoint (vs. env vars) if dask.config.get("coiled.use_aws_creds_endpoint", False): keys.append("Expiration") def _format_vals(k: str) -> str | None: if k == "Expiration" and isinstance(token_creds.get("Expiration"), datetime.datetime): # use assert to make pyright happy since it doesn't understand that the above conditional # already ensures that token_creds["Expiration"] is not None assert token_creds["Expiration"] is not None # Format of datetime from the IMDS endpoint is `2024-03-10T05:24:34Z`, so match that. # Python SDK is more flexible about what it accepts (e.g., it accepts isoformat) # but some other code is stricter in parsing datetime string. return token_creds["Expiration"].astimezone(tz=datetime.timezone.utc).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") # values should be str | None; make sure we don't use "None" return str(token_creds.get(k)) if token_creds.get(k) is not None else None creds_to_send = {k: _format_vals(k) for k in keys} await self._submit_cluster_event( "credentials", "forwarding AWS credentials", extra_data={"expiration": str(token_creds.get("Expiration"))}, ) await scheduler_comm.aws_update_credentials(credentials=creds_to_send) if creds_to_send.get("Expiration"): self._using_aws_creds_endpoint = True if schedule_callback: self._schedule_cred_update( expiration=token_creds.get("Expiration"), label="AWS STS token", extra_warning=( " Code running on your cluster may be unable to access other AWS services " "(e.g, S3) when this token expires." ), ) else: logger.debug("AWS STS token from local credentials shipped to cluster, no scheduled refresh") elif dask.config.get("coiled.use_aws_creds_endpoint", False): # since we aren't shipping local creds, remove creds endpoint in credential chain await self._unset_env_vars(["AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_FULL_URI"]) async def _send_gcp_credentials(self, schedule_callback: bool): # Google Cloud OAuth2 token has_gcp_auth_installed = self._has_gcp_auth_installed() if self._try_local_gcp_creds and not has_gcp_auth_installed: await self._submit_cluster_event( "credentials", "not forwarding Google credentials, Google Python libraries not found", ) if self._try_local_gcp_creds and has_gcp_auth_installed: gcp_token = get_gcp_local_session_token(set_local_token_env=True) if gcp_token.get("token"): await self._submit_cluster_event( "credentials", "forwarding Google credentials", extra_data={"expiration": str(gcp_token.get("expiry"))}, ) # ship token to cluster await self._send_env_vars({"CLOUDSDK_AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN": gcp_token["token"]}) if gcp_token.get("expiry") and schedule_callback: self._schedule_cred_update(expiration=gcp_token.get("expiry"), label="Google Cloud OAuth2 token") else: logger.debug( "Google Cloud OAuth2 token from local credentials shipped to cluster, no scheduled refresh" ) else: await self._submit_cluster_event( "credentials", "not forwarding Google credentials, unable to get local token", level=logging.INFO ) self._try_local_gcp_creds = False async def _send_credentials(self, schedule_callback: bool = True, retries=5): """ Get credentials and pass them to the scheduler. """ if self.credentials is CredentialsPreferred.NONE and dask.config.get("coiled.use_aws_creds_endpoint", False): await self._unset_env_vars(["AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_FULL_URI"]) if self.credentials is CredentialsPreferred.NONE: await self._submit_cluster_event( "credentials", "forwarding disabled by `credentials` kwarg", level=logging.INFO ) if self.credentials is not CredentialsPreferred.NONE: try: if self.credentials is CredentialsPreferred.ACCOUNT: # cloud.get_aws_credentials doesn't return credentials for currently implemented backends # aws_creds = await cloud.get_aws_credentials(self.workspace) logger.warning( "Using account backend AWS credentials is not currently supported, " "local AWS credentials (if present) will be used." ) # Concurrently handle AWS and GCP creds await asyncio.gather(*[ self._send_aws_credentials(schedule_callback), self._send_gcp_credentials(schedule_callback), ]) except Exception as e: if self.status not in TERMINATING_STATES: # sending credentials sometimes fails on a poor internet connection # so try a few times before giving up and showing warning if retries > 0: await self._send_credentials(schedule_callback, retries=retries - 1) else: # no more retries! # warn, but don't crash logger.warning(f"error sending local AWS or Google Cloud credentials to cluster: {e}") await self._submit_cluster_event( "credentials", f"error sending local credentials to cluster: {e}", level=logging.ERROR ) def __await__(self: Cluster[Async]): async def _(): if self._lock is None: self._lock = asyncio.Lock() async with self._lock: if self.status == Status.created: await wait_for(self._start(), self.timeout) assert self.status == Status.running return self return _().__await__() def _queue_cluster_event( self, topic, message, *, level: int = logging.DEBUG, extra_data=None, duration: float | None = None ): payload = { "topic": topic, "message": message, "timestamp":, "extra_data": {**extra_data} if extra_data else None, "duration": duration, "level": level, } self._cluster_event_queue.append(payload) async def _flush_cluster_events(self): # any events prior to cluster having an ID get queued and sent once there's an event when cluster has ID if self.cluster_id and dask.config.get("coiled.send_client_events", True): url = f"{}/api/v2/clusters/id/{self.cluster_id}/event" while self._cluster_event_queue: payload = self._cluster_event_queue.pop(0) try: await"POST", url, json=payload) except Exception as e: logger.debug("Failed to send client event to control-plane", exc_info=e) async def _submit_cluster_event( self, topic, message, *, level: int = logging.DEBUG, extra_data=None, duration: float | None = None ): self._queue_cluster_event(topic, message, level=level, extra_data=extra_data, duration=duration) await self._flush_cluster_events() @contextlib.asynccontextmanager async def _time_cluster_event(self, topic, action, *, extra_data=None): extra_data = {**(extra_data or {})} await self._submit_cluster_event(topic, f"{action} started") t0 = time.monotonic() yield extra_data t1 = time.monotonic() await self._submit_cluster_event(topic, f"{action} finished", extra_data=extra_data, duration=t1 - t0) async def _check_status(self): if self.cluster_id and self.status in (Status.running, Status.closing): try: state = (await, workspace=self.workspace)).get( "state" ) if state == "stopping": self.status = Status.closing elif state in ("stopped", "error"): self.status = Status.closed self._state_check_failed = 0 except Exception as e: self._state_check_failed += 1 logger.debug(f"Failed to fetch cluster state (failure {self._state_check_failed}/3): {e}") if self._state_check_failed >= 3: # we've failed 3 times in a row, so stop periodic callback # this is a fail-safe in case there's some reason this endpoint isn't responding self.periodic_callbacks["check_coiled_state"].stop() elif "rate limit" in str(e).lower(): # every time we get rate limit, reduce rate at which we check cluster state check_interval = ( dask.utils.parse_timedelta(dask.config.get("coiled.cluster-state-check-interval")) * 1000 * self._state_check_failed ) self.periodic_callbacks["check_coiled_state"].callback_time = check_interval @overload def close(self: Cluster[Sync], force_shutdown: bool = False, reason: str | None = None) -> None: ... @overload def close(self: Cluster[Async], force_shutdown: bool = False, reason: str | None = None) -> Awaitable[None]: ...
[docs] def close( self: ClusterSyncAsync, force_shutdown: bool = False, reason: str | None = None ) -> Union[None, Awaitable[None]]: """ Close the cluster. """ return self.sync(self._close, force_shutdown=force_shutdown, reason=reason)
@overload def shutdown(self: Cluster[Sync]) -> None: ... @overload def shutdown(self: Cluster[Async]) -> Awaitable[None]: ...
[docs] def shutdown(self: ClusterSyncAsync) -> Union[None, Awaitable[None]]: """ Shutdown the cluster; useful when shutdown_on_close is False. """ return self.sync(self._close, force_shutdown=True)
@overload def scale(self: Cluster[Sync], n: int, force_stop: bool = True) -> None: ... @overload def scale(self: Cluster[Async], n: int, force_stop: bool = True) -> Awaitable[None]: ...
[docs] def scale(self: ClusterSyncAsync, n: int, force_stop: bool = True) -> Awaitable[None] | None: """Scale cluster to ``n`` workers Parameters ---------- n Number of workers to scale cluster size to. force_stop Stop the VM even if scheduler did not retire the worker; for example, if worker has unique data that could not be moved to another worker. """ return self.sync(self._scale, n=n, force_stop=force_stop)
[docs] @track_context async def scale_down(self, workers: Iterable[str], reason: str | None = None, force_stop: bool = True) -> None: """ Remove specified workers from the cluster. Parameters ---------- workers Iterable of worker names reason Optional reason for why these workers are being removed (e.g., adaptive scaling) force_stop Stop the VM even if scheduler did not retire the worker; for example, if worker has unique data that could not be moved to another worker. """ if not self.cluster_id: raise ValueError("No cluster available to scale!") cloud = cast(CloudV2[Async], await self._submit_cluster_event( "scaling", "scale down", extra_data={ "workers": list(workers), "reason": reason, "force_stop": force_stop, "n_workers": len(list(workers)), }, ) scheduler_workers_retired = None try: scheduler_comm = self._ensure_scheduler_comm() scheduler_workers_retired = await scheduler_comm.retire_workers( names=workers, remove=True, close_workers=True, ) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"error retiring workers {e}. Trying more forcefully") # close workers more forcefully if scheduler_workers_retired is not None: scheduler_workers_retired = cast(dict, scheduler_workers_retired) # We got a response from scheduler about which of the requested workers are successfully being retired. # We'll assume that if a worker got removed from the list by the scheduler, there was a good reason # (e.g., unique data could not be moved to any other worker), so we won't forcibly stop the VM. scheduler_retired_names = {w.get("name") for w in scheduler_workers_retired.values()} not_retired_by_scheduler = [w for w in workers if w not in scheduler_retired_names] if not_retired_by_scheduler: logger.debug( "There are some workers that the scheduler chose not to retire:\n" f" {', '.join(not_retired_by_scheduler)}\n" "Scheduler logs may have more information about why worker(s) were not retired." ) await self._submit_cluster_event( "scaling", "cluster scale down called with workers that scheduler did not retire", extra_data={ "workers_not_retired": list(not_retired_by_scheduler), "n_not_retired": len(not_retired_by_scheduler), "force_stop": force_stop, }, ) if force_stop: logger.debug( "Coiled will stop the VMs for these worker(s) as requested, " "although this may result in lost work." ) else: workers = [w for w in workers if w in scheduler_retired_names] # Because there's a limit on URL length and worker names are passed in DELETE as url params, # 1. remove the non-unique part of name (worker name is "<cluster name>-worker-<unique id>"), and # 2. limit worker in DELETE request to batch of at most 500. worker_name_identifiers = [w.replace(f"{}-worker", "") for w in workers] batch_size = 200 for batch_start in range(0, len(worker_name_identifiers), batch_size): worker_name_batch = worker_name_identifiers[batch_start : batch_start + batch_size] await cloud._scale_down( workspace=self.workspace, cluster_id=self.cluster_id, workers=worker_name_batch, reason=reason, ) self._plan.difference_update(workers) self._requested.difference_update(workers)
[docs] async def recommendations(self, target: int) -> dict: """ Make scale up/down recommendations based on current state and target. Return a recommendation of the form - {"status": "same"} - {"status": "up", "n": <desired number of total workers>} - {"status": "down", "workers": <list of workers to close>} """ # note that `Adaptive` has a `recommendations()` method, but (as far as I can tell) it doesn't # appear that adaptive ever calls `cluster.recommendations()`, so this appears to only be used # from `cluster.scale()` plan = self.plan requested = self.requested observed = self.observed n_current_or_expected = len(plan) if target == n_current_or_expected: return {"status": "same"} if target > n_current_or_expected: return {"status": "up", "n": target} # when scaling down, prefer workers that haven't yet connected to scheduler # for this to work, the worker name known by scheduler needs to match worker name in database not_yet_arrived = requested - observed to_close = set() if not_yet_arrived: to_close.update(islice(not_yet_arrived, n_current_or_expected - target)) if target < n_current_or_expected - len(to_close): worker_list = await self.workers_to_close(target=target) to_close.update(worker_list) return {"status": "down", "workers": list(to_close)}
async def _apply_scaling_recommendations(self, recommendations: dict, force_stop: bool = True): # structure of `recommendations` matches output of `self.recommendations()` status = recommendations.pop("status") if status == "same": return if status == "up": return await self.scale_up(**recommendations) if status == "down": return await self.scale_down(**recommendations, force_stop=force_stop)
[docs] async def workers_to_close(self, target: int) -> List[str]: """ Determine which, if any, workers should potentially be removed from the cluster. Notes ----- ``Cluster.workers_to_close`` dispatches to Scheduler.workers_to_close(), but may be overridden in subclasses. Returns ------- List of worker addresses to close, if any See Also -------- Scheduler.workers_to_close """ scheduler_comm = self._ensure_scheduler_comm() target_offset = 0 if self.extra_worker_on_scheduler and target: # ask for an extra worker we can remove, so that if worker-on-scheduler is in the list # we can keep it alive and still get to target number of workers target_offset = 1 target -= target_offset workers = await scheduler_comm.workers_to_close( target=target, attribute="name", ) if self.extra_worker_on_scheduler and workers: # Never include the extra worker-on-scheduler in list of workers to kill. # Because we requested an extra possible worker (so we'd still get desired number if # worker-on-scheduler was in the list), we need only return the desired number (in case # extra worker-on-scheduler was *not* in the list of workers to kill). desired_workers = len(workers) - target_offset workers = list(filter(lambda name: "scheduler" not in name, workers))[:desired_workers] return workers # type: ignore
[docs] def adapt( self, Adaptive=CoiledAdaptive, *, minimum=1, maximum=200, target_duration="3m", wait_count=24, interval="5s", **kwargs, ) -> Adaptive: """Dynamically scale the number of workers in the cluster based on scaling heuristics. Parameters ---------- minimum : int Minimum number of workers that the cluster should have while on low load, defaults to 1. maximum : int Maximum numbers of workers that the cluster should have while on high load. wait_count : int Number of consecutive times that a worker should be suggested for removal before the cluster removes it. interval : timedelta or str Milliseconds between checks, defaults to 5000 ms. target_duration : timedelta or str Amount of time we want a computation to take. This affects how aggressively the cluster scales up. """ self._queue_cluster_event( "adaptive", "configured", extra_data={ "minimum": minimum, "maximum": maximum, "target_duration": target_duration, "wait_count": wait_count, "interval": interval, }, ) return super().adapt( Adaptive=Adaptive, minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, target_duration=target_duration, wait_count=wait_count, interval=interval, **kwargs, )
def __enter__(self: Cluster[Sync]) -> Cluster[Sync]: return self.sync(self.__aenter__) def __exit__( self: Cluster[Sync], exc_type: Type[BaseException] | None, exc_value: BaseException | None, traceback: TracebackType | None, ) -> None: return self.sync(self.__aexit__, exc_type, exc_value, traceback) async def __aenter__(self: Cluster): await self return self async def __aexit__( self: ClusterSyncAsync, exc_type: Type[BaseException] | None, exc_value: BaseException | None, traceback: "TracebackType | None", ): if exc_type is not None: exit_reason = f"Shutdown due to an exception: {tb.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)}" else: exit_reason = None f = self.close(reason=exit_reason) if isawaitable(f): await f @overload def get_logs(self: Cluster[Sync], scheduler: bool, workers: bool = True) -> dict: ... @overload def get_logs(self: Cluster[Async], scheduler: bool, workers: bool = True) -> Awaitable[dict]: ...
[docs] def get_logs(self: ClusterSyncAsync, scheduler: bool = True, workers: bool = True) -> Union[dict, Awaitable[dict]]: """Return logs for the scheduler and workers Parameters ---------- scheduler : boolean Whether or not to collect logs for the scheduler workers : boolean Whether or not to collect logs for the workers Returns ------- logs: Dict[str] A dictionary of logs, with one item for the scheduler and one for the workers """ return self.sync(self._get_logs, scheduler=scheduler, workers=workers)
@track_context async def _get_logs(self, scheduler: bool = True, workers: bool = True) -> dict: if not self.cluster_id: raise ValueError("No cluster available for logs!") cloud = cast(CloudV2[Async], return await cloud.cluster_logs( cluster_id=self.cluster_id, workspace=self.workspace, scheduler=scheduler, workers=workers, ) @overload def get_aggregated_metric( self: Cluster[Sync], query: str, over_time: str, start_ts: int | None = None, end_ts: int | None = None ) -> dict: ... @overload def get_aggregated_metric( self: Cluster[Async], query: str, over_time: str, start_ts: int | None = None, end_ts: int | None = None ) -> Awaitable[dict]: ... def get_aggregated_metric( self: ClusterSyncAsync, query: str, over_time: str, start_ts: int | None = None, end_ts: int | None = None ) -> Union[dict, Awaitable[dict]]: return self.sync( self._get_aggregated_metric, query=query, over_time=over_time, start_ts=start_ts, end_ts=end_ts ) @track_context async def _get_aggregated_metric( self, query: str, over_time: str, start_ts: int | None = None, end_ts: int | None = None ) -> dict: if not self.cluster_id: raise ValueError("No cluster available for metrics!") cloud = cast(CloudV2[Async], return await cloud._get_cluster_aggregated_metric( cluster_id=self.cluster_id, workspace=self.workspace, query=query, over_time=over_time, start_ts=start_ts, end_ts=end_ts, ) @overload def add_span(self: Cluster[Sync], span_identifier: str, data: dict): ... @overload def add_span(self: Cluster[Async], span_identifier: str, data: dict): ... def add_span(self: ClusterSyncAsync, span_identifier: str, data: dict): self.sync( self._add_span, span_identifier=span_identifier, data=data, ) @track_context async def _add_span(self, span_identifier: str, data: dict): if not self.cluster_id: raise ValueError("No cluster available") cloud = cast(CloudV2[Async], await cloud._add_cluster_span( cluster_id=self.cluster_id, workspace=self.workspace, span_identifier=span_identifier, data=data, ) @property def dashboard_link(self): if EXECUTION_CONTEXT == "notebook": # dask-labextension has trouble following the token in query, so we'll give it the token # in the url path, which our dashboard auth also accepts. parsed = parse_url(self._dashboard_address) if parsed.query and parsed.query.startswith("token="): token = parsed.query[6:] path_with_token = f"/{token}/status" if not parsed.path else f"/{token}{parsed.path}" return parsed._replace(path=path_with_token)._replace(query=None).url return self._dashboard_address @property def jupyter_link(self): if not self.scheduler_options.get("jupyter"): logger.warning( "Jupyter was not enabled on the cluster scheduler. Use `scheduler_options={'jupyter': True}` to enable." ) return parse_url(self._dashboard_address)._replace(path="/jupyter/lab").url
[docs] def write_files_for_dask(self, files: Dict[str, str], symlink_dirs: Dict | None = None): """ Use Dask to write files to scheduler and all workers. files: Dictionary of files to write, for example, ``{"/path/to/file": "text to write"}``. """ with dask.distributed.Client(self, name="non-user-write-files-via-dask") as client: register_plugin(client, DaskSchedulerWriteFiles(files=files, symlink_dirs=symlink_dirs)) register_plugin(client, DaskWorkerWriteFiles(files=files, symlink_dirs=symlink_dirs))
def mount_bucket(self: ClusterSyncAsync, bucket: Union[str, List[str]]): request_files = {} send_adc = False buckets: List[str] = [bucket] if isinstance(bucket, str) else bucket self._queue_cluster_event("mount", "Attempting to mount buckets", extra_data={"buckets": buckets}) for single_bucket in buckets: service = None if single_bucket.startswith("gs://"): service = "gcs" elif single_bucket.startswith("s3://"): service = "s3" # don't block other schemes here and pass URI through so they can be handled by code doing the mount; # for example, we might add backend support for "r2://" and don't want to block this in client code. # if s3 or gcs is not explicitly specified, default to storage service for workspace cloud provider if not service and "://" not in single_bucket: if self.workspace_cloud_provider_name == "aws": service = "s3" if self.workspace_cloud_provider_name == "gcp": service = "gcs" if service == "gcs": # mount for Google Cloud Storage bucket relies on Application Default Credentials send_adc = True elif service == "s3": # mount for S3 bucket relies on the renewable credential endpoint if not self._using_aws_creds_endpoint: logger.warning( f"Mounting bucket '{bucket}' requires forwarding of refreshable AWS credentials, " f"which is not currently working as needed." ) mount_kwargs = {"bucket": single_bucket} if service: mount_kwargs["service"] = service # agent on host VM watches /mount/.requests for info about buckets to mount request_files[f"/mount/.requests/todo/{short_random_string()}"] = json.dumps(mount_kwargs) if send_adc: send_application_default_credentials(self) # map /mount to a subdirectory in whatever the cwd for the container is self.write_files_for_dask(files=request_files, symlink_dirs={"/mount": "./mount"})
[docs] def get_spark( self, block_till_ready: bool = True, spark_connect_config: dict | None = None, executor_memory_factor: float | None = None, worker_memory_factor: float | None = None, ): """ Get a spark client. Experimental and subject to change without notice. To use this, start the cluster with ``coiled.spark.get_spark_cluster``. spark_connect_config: Optional dictionary of additional config options. For example, ``{"": "123"}`` would be equivalent to ``--config`` when running ``spark-submit --class spark-connect``. executor_memory_factor: Determines ``spark.executor.memory`` based on the available memory, can be any value between 1 and 0. Default is 1.0, giving all available memory to the executor. worker_memory_factor: Determines ``--memory`` for org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker, can be any value between 1 and 0. Default is 1.0. """ from coiled.spark import SPARK_CONNECT_PORT, get_spark self._spark_dashboard = parse_url(self._dashboard_address)._replace(path="/spark").url self._spark_master = parse_url(self._dashboard_address)._replace(path="/spark-master").url dashboards = ( "\n" f"[bold green]Spark UI:[/] [link={self._spark_dashboard}]{self._spark_dashboard}[/link]" "\n\n" f"[bold green]Spark Master:[/] [link={self._spark_master}]{self._spark_master}[/link]" "\n" ) if self.use_dashboard_https: host = parse_url(self._dashboard_address).host token = parse_url(self._dashboard_address).query remote_address = f"sc://{host}:{SPARK_CONNECT_PORT}/;use_ssl=true;{token}" else: remote_address = None with self.get_client() as client: spark_session = get_spark( client, connection_string=remote_address, block_till_ready=block_till_ready, spark_connect_config=spark_connect_config, executor_memory_factor=executor_memory_factor, worker_memory_factor=worker_memory_factor, ) if self._spark_dashboard.startswith("https"): rich_print(Panel(dashboards, title="[bold green]Spark Dashboards[/]", width=CONSOLE_WIDTH)) return spark_session
def __getattr__(name): if name == "ClusterBeta": warnings.warn( "`ClusterBeta` is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use `Cluster` instead.", category=FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return Cluster else: raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__} has no attribute {name}")