Data Privacy#

Coiled analytics collects metadata from Dask clusters to help you to understand your work.

It is important to understand this metadata, including how it is collected, how it gets to Coiled, and how it is stored in order to decide your comfort level and if this solution is right for you.

This document helps you understand how Coiled analytics works.


This is about data privacy in the observability part of the Coiled platform, and not the deployment product. For information about Coiled’s deployment product, please see Manage Hardware.

How Coiled Analytics Works#

Client Side#

Coiled analytics works on any Dask cluster, even those not managed by Coiled. You activate Coiled analytics by installing a public Python package, importing Coiled, and calling

pip install coiled

This installs a Dask SchedulerPlugin on the local Dask Client, and then uses the Dask-Scheduler connection to send that plugin to the Scheduler.

The plugin collects Coiled credentials while on the Client, and in particular captures both coiled.token for access and the namespace for settings, and sends those up to the Dask Scheduler.

We gather credentials and configuration options on the client-side because that is more often where users are accustomed to specifying information. It makes it easier to configure Coiled without intimate access to the remote environment.

Message Transmission#

The SchedulerPlugin sends messages to when it first starts, when your scheduler shuts down, and periodically while running, every ten seconds or so (this is configurable, search for interval in the configuration).

The plugin sends messages to Coiled using normal HTTPS to regular web endpoints, authenticated using the API token taken from the client configuration.

These messages are typically small, but if profile information is enabled and if the cluster is very active then they can grow to be about a megabyte in size.

Data Collected#

Basic Metrics#

Coiled tracks basic metrics about your system like the following:

  • The start and stop time of the scheduler

  • The number of currently active workers

  • The amount of memory available within the cluster

  • The aggregated amount of worker-time spent over the lifetime of the cluster

  • Versions of a few key libraries, like Python itself, msgpack, cloudpickle, lz4 and everything generally in the dask.distributed.versions package.

  • The architecture of the system, like x86 or ARM

  • The path of python used within the system

  • The operating system used, like Linux, macOS, or Windows (remember, can be used anywhere Dask is run, including personal laptops)


Coiled optionally tracks information about your code. This helps to understand usage, and connect that usage to failures or success.

  • Dask TaskGroups, which contain the following for each group of operations

    • The name of the operation, like read_csv

    • How many tasks in the operation, and their states, like waiting, running, in-memory, erred, or released

    • How much time was spent computing, communicating, and reading from disk

    • Dependencies with other task groups

  • Exceptions, which include the text of the exception and tracebacks

  • Code snippets around the call to dask.compute. This typically includes the context of the function or Jupyter cell that called Dask.

If you wish, you can configure Coiled to not send code you can set the following configuration:

        transmit: false


Dask runs a statistical profiler on all user code run within it. This helps to identify hot-spots within your code. Coiled aggregates this information across users and across time. This information looks like standard profiling information, and includes data like the following:

  • filenames

  • line numbers

  • single lines of code contained within the traceback

  • timing information about how many times each line of code was active during profiling

If you wish, you can configure Coiled to not send profiling with the following configuration:

      transmit: false

Dask Failures#

When Dask itself fails, such as when a worker fails for some unexpected reason, or when the state machine enters an undefined state (this should be very rare), Dask sends a packet of information with status of the state machine. This packet of information can be very valuable when diagnosing Dask failures. Coiled can forward these packets of information to Coiled and associate them to a particular cluster.

This information tends not to contain user metadata.

If you wish, you can configure Coiled to not send information about Dask failures with the following configuration:

      allow: []


The Dask failures are actually sent with a broader eventing system built into Dask. You can capture arbitrary user events using the following code:

from dask.distributed import get_worker

def some_task():
    score = ...

    get_worker().log_event("scores", {"data": score})

client.submit(some_task, ...)

Dask will capture the event on the worker, forward it to the Scheduler, which the plugin will then forward on to Coiled if you include this event type in the allow-list.

      - scores
      - invalid-task-states          # these are the dask failure event names
      - invalid-worker-transition
      - worker-fail-hard


All metadata is encrypted in flight. User code is encrypted at rest.

Metadata vs Data#

Coiled tries very hard not to see or store input data at any time. We view user data as a liability both to our users, and to ourselves.

Coiled does capture metadata however. We endeavor to help users understand as much about their computations as they can while touching sensitive data as little as possible.

User Space Permissions and Risk#

Coiled analytics is designed around user-space permissions. If users are empowered to use Dask and to make outgoing web connections then they are able to use to track their Dask usage with Coiled.

  • This enables team leads and mangers to have a single view over all Dask work within an organization.

  • If you are a user then this means that Coiled is easy for you to use without engaging with your IT department.

  • If you are an IT department then this might be concerning.

    However, you should be equally concerned about letting users use Python on machines that can access the web.

All users operate in an environment with some risk and with some implied trust. We endeavor to not expand that envelope of risk. Indeed, we try to provide a robust and mature mechanism for Dask users to track and share performance information in a manner that is secure and traceable.

It beats throwing around notebooks and performance reports in e-mail.

Disable Analytics on Coiled Clusters#

Analytics is enabled by default for all clusters managed by Coiled. If you do want to completely disable collecting and sending this analytics data, you can use the following configuration:

    disabled: true

See Coiled account settings for more details about the Coiled configuration file.