How to SSH into your cluster#

Coiled makes it easy to SSH directly into the schedulers or workers in your Coiled cluster. Coiled managed the authentication, using a unique keypair generated for each cluster.

First, you’ll need to create a cluster with a port open for SSH. You can do this with allow_ssh=True:

# firewall doesn't restrict by IP, opens port 22
coiled.Cluster(..., allow_ssh=True)

If you would also like to restrict by IP, you can use allow_ingress:

# only allow inbound connections from your public IP address
coiled.Cluster(..., allow_ssh=True, allow_ingress_from="me")

# restrict access to addresses in VPN/peered network
coiled.Cluster(..., allow_ssh=True, allow_ingress_from="")


The allow_ssh and allow_ingress arguments apply to the scheduler, all inbound connections to workers are blocked except connections from other machines in the cluster.

Then, you can connect using the CLI command. To connect to the scheduler:

coiled cluster ssh  # most recent cluster
coiled cluster ssh 123  # cluster id
coiled cluster ssh bob-73c2888d-f  # cluster name
coiled cluster ssh bob-73c2888d-f --private  # connect to private IP address

Or to connect to a worker:

coiled cluster ssh bob-73c2888d-f --worker any
coiled cluster ssh bob-73c2888d-f --worker  # specify by IP
coiled cluster ssh bob-73c2888d-f --worker bob-73c2888d-f-worker-115e5a1f13  # specify by name

When connecting to a worker, it uses the scheduler as jump, so you only need port 22 open on scheduler.

By default these commands connect you to a shell running on the host machine. Dask (both scheduler and worker processes) run inside containers. To attach directly to the container running Dask, include --dask like so:

coiled cluster ssh --dask  # container running scheduler
coiled cluster ssh --worker any --dask  # a container running worker process


The CLI utility is a wrapper around OpenSSH CLI, so you’ll need ssh and ssh-add runnable from the command line.