API Tokens#

Typically users create and register API tokens on personal machines using the coiled login command.

coiled login

This creates a token, registers it with Coiled, and then stores it in a yaml file your home directory. This works for most users.

However, in some cases you may want to create and store API tokens in other ways. This often comes up when using automated systems like CI services, workflow managers, cloud notebooks, or other SaaS tools.

You can manually create an API token and then store it using either a CLI command, an environment variable, or a yaml file.

coiled login --token <your-token>

This will save your token to your ~/.config/dask/coiled.yaml configuration file, resulting in the following:

  account: <your-account>
  server: https://cloud.coiled.io
  token: <your-token>
  user: <your-username>


If you’re using a Jupyter notebook, you can save your token with !coiled login --token <your-token>

You can also save your token as an environment variable:

export DASK_COILED__TOKEN=<your-token>

You can directly edit your ~/.config/dask/coiled.yaml yaml file:

  token: <your-token>


Working with a team? If so, you may also want to change the default account to your team account. See Manage Users.